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王 慧1, 张 玮1, 张秋杰2, 吴林娜1, 宗新颖1, 李兴红1*.2020年北京房山酿酒葡萄霜霉病发生动态监测[J].植物保护,2022,48(1):272-278.
Monitoring on the occurrence of grape downy mildew in Fangshan, Beijing in 2020
投稿时间:2020-11-18  修订日期:2021-01-17
中文关键词:  葡萄  霜霉病  病害流行  感病性  病叶率
英文关键词:grape  downy mildew  epidemiology  susceptibility  disease incidence
王 慧1, 张 玮1, 张秋杰2, 吴林娜1, 宗新颖1, 李兴红1* 1. 北方果树病虫害绿色防控北京市重点实验室, 北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所, 北京 100097
2. 北京市房山区葡萄种植及葡萄酒产业促进中心, 北京 102488 
摘要点击次数: 337
全文下载次数: 278
      霜霉病是世界范围内葡萄上的一种重要流行性病害。2020年, 本研究系统调查了北京市房山区3个酿酒葡萄酒庄中4个不同葡萄品种的霜霉病发生情况, 并记录了实时温湿度、降雨数据和用药时间, 还分析了葡萄霜霉病的发生与降雨、相对湿度和用药时间的关系以及不同葡萄品种对霜霉病感病性的差异。结果表明:房山3个酿酒葡萄酒庄在2020年5月29日初次观察到霜霉病病叶, 6月-8月病叶率增长缓慢, 8月份以后, 病叶率大幅增加, 霜霉病严重。6月-8月期间, 有多次降雨和相对湿度大于90%的持续时间达到了病原菌侵入和产孢的条件, 但降雨后及时用药减缓了葡萄霜霉病的发展, 3个酿酒葡萄酒庄的霜霉病病叶率均低于2.86%。4个品种最终的平均病叶率调查结果表明‘赤霞珠’(病叶率83.19%)和‘梅鹿辄’(63.77%)对霜霉病的感病性要高于‘霞多丽’(40.86%)和‘马瑟兰’(39.71%)。本次调查明确了房山3个酿酒葡萄酒庄的霜霉病发生初始时间和病害发展, 分析了4个酿酒葡萄品种在不同气象和用药条件下造成霜霉病病叶率差异的可能原因, 为今后葡萄霜霉病的田间防治和管理提供借鉴。
      Downy mildew is an important epidemic disease on grapes worldwide. Occurrence of downy mildew on four different wine grape varieties were investigated in three wineries in Fangshan district, Beijing in 2020. Meanwhile, air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and pesticide schedule were recorded, and the relationship between the incidence of grape downy mildew and meteorological and management factors, as well as the difference of susceptibility between four wine grape varieties were analyzed. The results showed that the infected leaves by downy mildew was initially observed in the wineries of Fangshan on May 29th, 2020, and then the percentage of infected leaves increased slowly from June to August. After August, the percentage of infected leaves increased greatly, and downy mildew became serious. From June to August, multiple rainfall and the duration over 90% relative humidity were suitable for pathogen infection and sporulation. However, timely spraying fungicides after rainfall slowed down the disease development. The percentages of infected leaves by grape downy mildew in three places were lower than 2.86% during this period. By comparing the difference of average percentage of infected leaves between four varieties of the wineries, ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (83.19% of incidence) and ‘Merlot’ (63.77%) were more susceptible than ‘Chardonnay’ (40.86%) and ‘Marselan’ (39.71%). This survey clarified the occurrence date of downy mildew of different wine grape varieties and their development in Fangshan, Beijing, and the possible reasons that lead to the differences in percentage of infected leaves caused by grape downy mildew between four wine grape varieties under different weather and management conditions were also analyzed, which provide a reference for field management of grape downy mildew in future.
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