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张曼丽1, 曾庆朝1, 周 洋2, 姜玉英3, 李元喜1*.海南省草地贪夜蛾发生规律和防控策略初探[J].植物保护,2022,48(1):234-239.
Occurrence pattern and management strategies of Spodoptera frugiperda in Hainan province
投稿时间:2020-10-26  修订日期:2021-01-05
中文关键词:  海南  草地贪夜蛾  发生规律  防控策略
英文关键词:Hainan  Spodoptera frugiperda  occurrence pattern  management strategy
张曼丽1, 曾庆朝1, 周 洋2, 姜玉英3, 李元喜1* 1. 海南省植物保护总站, 海口 571100
2. 海南省东方市植保站, 东方 572600
3. 全国农业技术推广服务中心, 北京 100125 
摘要点击次数: 386
全文下载次数: 331
      草地贪夜蛾在海南省发生后, 迅速扩散, 为明确草地贪夜蛾在海南的发生规律, 并制定防控策略, 本文对2019年4月30日至2020年9月8日全省18个市县草地贪夜蛾幼虫田间发生密度和面积以及成虫灯诱和性诱数据进行了分析。初步得出以下结论, 草地贪夜蛾在海南省主要为害的作物为玉米、莪术、高粱和甜高粱, 以玉米为主。草地贪夜蛾幼虫不同季节在玉米田发生密度大小为秋季>夏季>冬季>春季, 幼虫周发生面积大小为冬季>春季>夏季>秋季。根据性诱和灯诱的诱蛾高峰, 初步判断在2月份有草地贪夜蛾成虫从泰国、老挝和越南迁入海南。4月中旬后蛾量迅速下降, 玉米种植面积减少, 预测草地贪夜蛾成虫在4月中旬后迁出海南。针对草地贪夜蛾在海南的发生规律, 制定出了以冬春西南玉米主产区为重点的分时、分区、分重点的监测防控策略。
      Fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, dispersed quickly around Hainan province since the pest was initially found in Haikou on April 30, 2019. In order to illustrate the occurrence pattern and make management strategies of the pest, the population density and occurrence area of S.frugiperda larvae during the period from April 30 2019 to September 8 2020 were investigated in Hainan, and the moths trapped by trap lights and sex pheromone lures were recorded. It was found that S.frugiperda could feed on maize, curcuma, sorghum and sweet sorghum, with strong preference to maize. The population density of larvae in autumn was highest in maize field, followed by that in summer, and winter, with the lowest in spring. However, the occurrence area of larvae in maize field was the most in winter, followed by that in spring and summer, with the least in autumn. The immigration of S. frugiperda from Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam occurred in February according to the number of moths trapped by sex pheromone lures and trap lights. The sharp decrease in number of moths trapped implied that S.frugiperda began to emigrate northerly after mid of April. A management strategy that focused on winter and spring maize in southwestern of Hainan according to the planting area, period and importance of corn was proposed based on the occurrence pattern of S. frugiperda .
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