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赵文娟#, 夏 爽#, 郑薇薇*, 张宏宇*.益害比及花粉存在对江原钝绥螨和柑橘全爪螨种群动态的影响[J].植物保护,2021,47(1):148-152.
Effects of predatory mite-pest mite ratio and pollen presence on population dynamics of Amblyseius eharai and Panonychus citri
投稿时间:2019-10-23  修订日期:2020-02-03
中文关键词:  江原钝绥螨  柑橘全爪螨  益害比  花粉  生物防治
英文关键词:Amblyseius eharai  Panonychus citri  predatory mite-pest mite ratio  pollen  biological control
基金项目:国家重点研发计划重点专项(2017YFD0201000, 2017YFD0202003); 国家现代农业(柑橘)产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-26)
赵文娟#, 夏 爽#, 郑薇薇*, 张宏宇* 华中农业大学植物科技学院, 园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室, 城市与园艺昆虫学研究所, 武汉 430070 E-mail:郑薇薇 wwzheng@mail.hzau.edu.cn; 张宏宇hongyu.zhang@mail.hzau.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 394
全文下载次数: 329
      研究了在以不同益害比释放江原钝绥螨的情况下, 益害比及花粉存在对江原钝绥螨捕食效果的影响?结果表明, 当柑橘全爪螨平均每片叶低于5头时, 按益害比1∶10和1∶20的比例释放江原钝绥螨, 当平均每片叶柑橘全爪螨多于5头时, 按益害比1∶5释放江原钝绥螨, 可将柑橘全爪螨数量控制在经济阈值以下?花粉的存在能减缓猎物密度下降对江原钝绥螨生长发育的抑制, 当主要猎物缺乏时, 花粉作为江原钝绥螨的替代食物, 对其维持种群数量有着重要作用?
      The effects of predatory mite-pest mite ratio and pollen on the predation effect of Amblyseius eharai Amitai on Panonychus citri McGregor were studied by using different ratios of A. eharai to P. citri. The results showed that, when the average number of P.citri was less than five per leaf, the ratio of predatory mites to pest mites was 1∶10 and 1∶20. In contrast, when the average number of P. citri per leaf was more than five, the number of P. citri could be kept below the economic threshold at a release ratio of 1∶5. The presence of pollen could slow down the inhibition of the growth and development of A. eharai when the prey density declined. Additionally, pollen is a critical alternative food for A. eharai when there is a lack of the main prey, which plays an important role in maintaining the population of A. eharai.
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