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房 敏#, 姚 领#, 李晓萌, 唐庆峰*.成虫期补充不同营养对草地贪夜蛾繁殖力的影响[J].植物保护,2020,46(2):193-195.
Influence of different nutrition supplement in adult stage on reproductive capacity of Spodoptera frugiperda
投稿时间:2019-11-08  修订日期:2019-11-12
中文关键词:  补充营养  草地贪夜蛾  成虫寿命  生殖力
英文关键词:supplementary nutrition  Spodoptera frugiperda  adult longevity  reproductive capacity
房 敏#, 姚 领#, 李晓萌, 唐庆峰* 安徽农业大学植物保护学院, 植物病虫害生物学与绿色防控安徽普通高校重点实验室, 合肥 230036 tangqf55@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 516
全文下载次数: 881
      本文研究了补充不同营养对草地贪夜蛾成虫寿命及生殖力的影响,为草地贪夜蛾的人工饲养及种群动态的预测预报提供理论依据。在温度(25±1)℃,湿度70%±5%,光照L∥D=16 h∥8 h的养虫室,分别以6种不同营养物和蒸馏水对成虫补充营养,观察记录成虫产卵期、成虫寿命、产卵量及卵孵化率。结果表明:补充蒸馏水的处理组产卵前期显著短于其他处理组;10%蜂蜜水及10%蔗糖水处理组的产卵期及雌成虫寿命均显著长于其他处理组;且10%蜂蜜水处理组的产卵量及卵孵化率最高,分别为983.20粒和98.07%。综合以上结果:室内饲养草地贪夜蛾时,成虫期营养补充以10%蜂蜜水为最佳。
      In order to provide theoretical basis for artificial rearing and prediction of population dynamics of Spodoptera frugiperda, the effects of different nutrition supplementation on adult longevity and fecundity were studied. In a rearing room with a temperature of (25±1)℃, humidity 70%±5%, L∥D=16 h∥8 h, the adult longevity, fecundity and egg hatching rates of S. frugiperda were recorded using six different nutrients and distilled water as a nutritional supplement. The results showed that the pre-oviposition period of the adults supplied with distilled water was significantly shorter than that of other treatments, and the oviposition period and the female adult longevity the adults treated with 10% honey water and 10% sucrose water were significantly longer than other groups. And the adults supplied with 10% honey water possessed the highest fecundity and hatchability, which were 983.20 eggs per female and 98.07%, respectively. In conclusion, 10% honey water was the best choice for indoor breeding of S. frugiperda.
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