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覃丽萍 1, 苏 琴 1, 谢 玲 1*, 农 倩 1, 陈艳露 1, 张 艳 1, 廖仕同 1, 莫贱友 2.杧果炭疽病菌 Colletotrichum asianum和 C. fructicola 的危害特征及对杀菌剂的敏感性初探[J].植物保护,2020,46(1):197-202.
杧果炭疽病菌 Colletotrichum asianum和 C. fructicola 的危害特征及对杀菌剂的敏感性初探
A preliminary study on the damage characteristics of mango anthracnose causal agents Colletotrichum asianum and C. fructicola and their sensitivity to fungicides
投稿时间:2018-12-24  修订日期:2019-02-25
中文关键词:  杧果  炭疽病  危害特征  杀菌剂  敏感性
英文关键词:mango  anthracnose  damage characteristics  fungicide  sensitivity
覃丽萍 1, 苏 琴 1, 谢 玲 1*, 农 倩 1, 陈艳露 1, 张 艳 1, 廖仕同 1, 莫贱友 2 1. 广西壮族自治区农业科学院微生物研究所, 南宁 530007
2. 广西壮族自治区农业科学院植物保护研究所, 南宁 530007 
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      通过离体针刺接种法初步探讨了广西杧果炭疽病的主要致病菌 Colletotrichum asianum和C. fructicola 在不同品种杧果上的危害症状及致病力,并用生长速率法测定这2种病菌代表菌株对咪鲜胺和吡唑醚菌酯的敏感性。结果显示: C. asianum和C. fructicola 侵染同一品种杧果的症状仅有细微的差别;每种病菌对不同品种杧果的致病力有较明显的差异,其中 C. asianum 对‘桂七杧’的致病力最强,对‘台农一号杧’的致病力最弱, C. fructicola 对‘金煌杧’的致病力最强,对‘四季蜜杧’的致病力最弱。咪鲜胺对 C. asianum和C. fructicola 的代表菌株的EC50分别为0.039 5~0.132 2 μg/mL、0.057 1~0.157 4 μg/mL,吡唑醚菌酯对 C. asianum和C. fructicola 的代表菌株的EC50分别为0.010 9~0.561 6 μg/mL、0.151 1~0.447 4 μg/mL,其中 C. asianum 对吡唑醚菌酯的最大EC50是最小EC50的51.5倍,存在抗药性风险。研究结果为杧果炭疽病的正确诊断、防治等提供理论依据。
      The damage characteristics and virulence of Colletotrichum asianum and C. fructicola, the main pathogens causing mango anthracnose in Guangxi, China were studied by acupuncture inoculation using detached leaves and fruits. The sensitivity of the two pathogens to prochloraz and pyraclostrobin was also detected by mycelial growth rate method in vitro . The results showed that only small difference in the damage characteristics existed between C. asianum and C. fructicola when infected with the same variety, while the virulence of each Colletotrichum species to different mango varieties showed significant difference. C. asianum had strongest pathogenicity to ‘Guiqimang’ but weakest to ‘Tainong No1. Mang’. C. fructicola had strongest pathogenicity to ‘Jinhuangmang’ but weakest to ‘Sijimimang’. The EC50 values of prochloraz to C. asianum and C. fructicola were 0.039 5-0.132 2 μg/mL and 0.057 1-0.157 4 μg/mL, respectively, and those of pyraclostrobin were 0.010 9-0.561 6 μg/mL, 0.151 1-0.447 4 μg/mL, respectively. The maximum EC50 value of pyraclostrobin to C. asianum was 51.5 times higher than the minimum EC50 value, indicating a potential risk of resistance. These results provide the foundation for the diagnosis and management of anthracnose in mango production.
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