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王振营1*, 王晓鸣2*.我国玉米病虫害发生现状、趋势与防控对策[J].植物保护,2019,45(1):1-11.
Current status and management strategies for corn pests and diseases in China
DOI:S 435.13
中文关键词:  玉米病虫害  发生  现状  趋势  防控对策
英文关键词:corn diseases and insect pests  occurrence  current status  future trend  IPM strategy
基金项目:粮食丰产增效科技创新重点专项(2016YFD0300704); 现代农业产业技术体系专项资金(CARS-02)
王振营1*, 王晓鸣2* 1. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室, 北京 100193
2. 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所, 北京 100081 
摘要点击次数: 1079
全文下载次数: 5085
      近年来, 随着我国农业种植结构的调整和耕作栽培方式的转变, 玉米品种选育加快, 种植面积迅速增加, 玉米病虫害发生一直呈加重趋势, 一些次要病虫害在全国范围或局部地区为害不断加重, 上升为主要病虫害, 生产上还出现了一些新发病虫害, 对玉米安全生产构成了威胁。本文总结了我国玉米重要病虫害的发生现状, 并对发生趋势进行了分析, 目前生产上的重要病虫害如亚洲玉米螟、桃蛀螟、棉铃虫以及黏虫为害加重并将持续发生; 土传病害玉米茎腐病、穗腐病等危害将持续加重; 风险性叶斑病玉米大斑病、南方锈病等仍在流行, 未来不可忽视; 还需关注未来危害性具有上升趋势的病虫害。提出了相应的防控对策。
      The problems with diseases and insect pests in corn have been steadily increased in recent years due to the change of corn varieties, rapidly increased planting acreage, and the adjustments of cropping systems in China. Some secondary diseases and insect pests of corn become the primary problems in some regions or nationwide. In the meantime, some emerging diseases and insect pests become a serious threat to the corn production. This review 1) summarized the current status and management strategies for corn diseases and insect pests in China, and 2) projected the future trend. Specifically, the major corn diseases and insect pests, such as the Asian corn borer, yellow peach moth, cotton bollworm, and the oriental armyworm will stay and continue. Soil-borne diseases, such as stalk rot and ear rot, will persist or increase. The epidemics of northern leaf blight and southern rust will continue, and should not be overlooked. IPM strategies to mitigate corn diseases and insect pests were proposed.
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