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Main problems and management strategies of weeds in agriculturalfields in China in recent years
投稿时间:2018-07-21  修订日期:2018-08-29
中文关键词:  杂草防控  问题  对策
英文关键词:weed management  problem  strategy
基金项目:国家重点研发计划 (2016YFD0300701)
李香菊 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 北京 100193 
摘要点击次数: 1354
全文下载次数: 1255
      我国田园杂草有1 400多种, 严重危害的130余种, 恶性杂草37种。我国杂草发生面积约9 246.7万hm2次, 防治面积1.04亿hm2次, 挽回粮食损失2 699万t, 每年主粮作物仍有近300万t产量损失。杂草防控中的突出问题是: 杂草群落演替, 难治杂草种群增加; 除草剂单一使用, 杂草抗药性发展迅速; 除草剂对作物药害频发, 影响种植结构调整; 新除草剂创制能力不足, 难以满足不同作物田除草需求; 农村劳动力短缺, 杂草防控更依赖于化学防治。解决上述问题, 应实施以下对策: 加强杂草发生危害的监测预警, 科学轮换使用除草剂, 推广除草剂减量与替代技术, 加快新除草剂研制及推广应用, 加速耐除草剂作物商业化进程, 推进统防统治及农民培训。
      There are more than 1 400 weed species in China, among which 130 are serious weeds and 37 are worst weeds. In spite of the progress made in weed management, a yield loss of nearly 3 million tons was caused by weeds in main crops each year in the whole country. In recent years, the shifts of weed community, evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds, injuries of crops by the unsuitable use of herbicides, lack of herbicides with new modes of action in different crops and the overreliance on the use of herbicides in weed control for the labor shortages have become prevalent and challenging in China. In this review, we provide an overview of several key aspects in resolving the problems in weed management, including the precise prediction of weed community changes and yield loss, shifting the use of herbicides, reducing the use of herbicides with drift damages or long persistence and minimizing herbicide dosages, more funding in the research of herbicides with new modes of action, developing and commercializing herbicide tolerant crops, specialized organizations in herbicide application and farmer training.
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