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孟丹娜, 何晶晶, 周如军*, 赵杰锋, 傅俊范.300 g/L苯甲·丙环唑乳油对花生网斑病的田间防效[J].植物保护,2018,44(3):197-202.
300 g/L苯甲·丙环唑乳油对花生网斑病的田间防效
Effects of difenoconazole·propiconazole 300 g/L EC on peanut webblotch disease in field
投稿时间:2017-09-18  修订日期:2017-11-13
中文关键词:  苯甲·丙环唑  花生网斑病  防治效果  农艺性状  产量
英文关键词:difenoconazole·propiconazole  peanut web blotch  control effect  agronomic traits  yield
基金项目:辽宁省农业领域青年科技创新人才培养计划(2014056); 山东省重点研发计划(2015GNC111029)
孟丹娜, 何晶晶, 周如军*, 赵杰锋, 傅俊范 沈阳农业大学植物保护学院, 沈阳 110866 
摘要点击次数: 627
全文下载次数: 1279
      为明确300 g/L苯甲·丙环唑乳油对花生网斑病的田间防治效果以及对植株主要农艺性状和产量的影响, 本文进行了300 g/L苯甲·丙环唑乳油不同施药次数、不同施药浓度以及与生长调节剂混用配施对花生网斑病的田间防效试验。结果表明, 300 g/L苯甲·丙环唑乳油3 000倍施药3~5次田间防效无显著差异, 均可达到67%以上; 采用稀释浓度1 500倍和3 000倍从发病初期开始连续施用3次防治效果较好, 防效分别为71.19%和67.90%; 300 g/L苯甲·丙环唑乳油与植物生长调节剂混配试验结果表明, 3 000倍液于花生网斑病发生初期配施0.136%赤·吲乙·芸苔8 000倍液1次, 随后每隔10 d喷施300 g/L苯甲·丙环唑EC 1次, 连续施药2次, 其防治效果高于其他处理, 为78.28%; 同时具有显著增产作用, 较对照增产47.45%。
      The objective of this study is to clarify the control effect of difenoconazole·propiconazole 300 g/L EC on peanut web blotch in the field and the effects on agronomic traits and pod yield of the peanut. The control effect of difenoconazole·propiconazole 300 g/L EC at different application frequencies (1-5 times), different application concentrations (1 500, 3 000, 6 000, 8 000, 12 000 times diluted) and mixed with plant growth regulators to peanut web blotch were investigated in the field. The results indicated that there was no significant difference among the control efficacies of spraying difenoconazole·propiconazole 300 g/L EC at 3, 4 or 5 times, which were more than 67%. The control efficacies of difenoconazole·propiconazole 300 g/L EC diluted 1 500 times and 3 000 times were 71.19% and 67.90%, respectively. Besides, difenoconazole·propiconazole 300 g/L EC combined with plant growth regulator VitaCat had best control efficacy of 78.28%, and further increased the yield by 47.45% compared to that of the control. With comprehensive consideration, application of difenoconazole·propiconazole 300 g/L EC diluted 3 000 times combined with spraying 0.136% VitaCat diluted 8 000 times one time in the early stage of the disease was effective for control of peanut web blotch and could significantly increase yield followed by spraying difenoconazole·propiconazole 300 g/L EC 3 000× two times at a interval of 10 d.
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