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饶汉宗 1#, 谢子正 2#, 李阳 3, 许渭根 2, 李国钧 2, 李艳敏 2.杨梅白腐病预防药剂的筛选与防治技术集成[J].植物保护,2018,44(2):231-234.
Evaluation of preventive control efficacy of seven fungicides on white rot disease of red bayberry and integrated preventive measures
投稿时间:2017-08-24  修订日期:2017-09-21
中文关键词:  杨梅白腐病  杀菌剂  防治效果  综合防治技术
英文关键词:white rot disease  fungicide  control efficacy  integrated preventive measures
饶汉宗 1#, 谢子正 2#, 李阳 3, 许渭根 2, 李国钧 2, 李艳敏 2 1. 浙江省青田县植物保护检疫站, 青田323900
2. 浙江省植物保护检疫局, 杭州310020
3. 浙江省丽水市土肥植保站, 丽水323000 
摘要点击次数: 612
全文下载次数: 1173
      杨梅白腐病是影响杨梅产量和品质的一个重要因素, 研究该病害的防治技术, 对于保障杨梅生产安全、增加农民收入具有重要意义。本文通过田间试验评价了7种药剂对杨梅白腐病的预防效果, 结果表明, 供试药剂对白腐病均有一定的防效。其中, 6%寡糖·链蛋白WP、8%对氯苯氧乙酸钠SP和29%吡萘·嘧菌酯SC对白腐病的预防效果在80%以上; 40%戊唑·腐霉利SC、38%吡唑·啶酰菌胺SC和35%氟菌·戊唑醇SC的预防效果在杨梅成熟前期较好, 能达到80%以上, 但持效性不长; 13.3%抑霉唑硫酸盐SG的预防效果不佳, 在杨梅成熟期阶段最高防效只有65.5%。建议在实际生产中预防杨梅白腐病选用6%寡糖·链蛋白WP、8%对氯苯氧乙酸钠SP和29%吡萘·嘧菌酯SC。平衡施肥、避雨栽培、疏花疏果和药剂防治相结合的综合防控技术可有效降低白腐病的发生危害。
      White rot disease is an important adverse factor affecting the yield and quality of red bayberry. It is of great significance to study the prevention technology to ensure the safety of red bayberry and increase the income of farmers. The preventive control efficacy of seven fungicides on white rot disease of red bayberry was evaluated by field experiments. The results showed that the tested fungicides have certain control efficacy on white rot disease. The average preventive control efficacy of oligosaccharide·activator protein 6% WP, sodium 4-CPA 8% SP and isopyrazam·azoxystrobin 29% SC was more than 80% at the mature stage of red bayberry. The average preventive control effect of tebuconazole·procymidone 40% SC, pyraclostrobin·boscalid 38% SC and fluopyram·tebuconazole 35% SC could reach more than 80% in the early mature stage of bayberry, but the persistence period is short. The highest preventive control efficacy of imazalil sulfate 13.3% SG was 65.5% at the mature stage of red bayberry. Therefore, it is suggested that oligosaccharide-activator protein 6% WP, sodium 4-CPA 8% SP and isopyrazam·azoxystrobin 29% SC can be used in the preventive control of white rot disease on red bayberry. Meanwhile, the integrated preventive measures, including balanced fertilization, shelter cultivation, blossom and fruit thinning and chemical control, are suggested to effectively reduce the occurrence of white rot disease of red bayberry.
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