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帅玉婷1, 孙 涛2, 臧建成1, 3*.西藏林芝杏树朝鲜毛球蚧生物学特性及防控对策[J].植物保护,2017,43(4):190-194.
Biological characteristics and control measures of Didesmococcus koreanus Borchsenius at apricot trees in Linzhi, Tibet
投稿时间:2016-10-12  修订日期:2016-11-20
中文关键词:  朝鲜毛球蚧  形态特征  发生动态  防控措施
英文关键词:Didesmococcus koreanus  morphological characters  occurrence dynamics  prevention and control measures
基金项目:西藏自治区高校重点实验室建设项目(2016); 国家级大学生创新实验项目(2016);西藏自治区科技计划项目
帅玉婷1, 孙 涛2, 臧建成1, 3* 1. 西藏农牧学院植物科学学院, 林芝 860000
2. 淮北师范大学生命科学学院, 淮北 235000
3. 西藏高原资源昆虫与应用昆虫实验室, 林芝 860000 
摘要点击次数: 637
全文下载次数: 1202
      朝鲜毛球蚧已成为我国西藏林芝地区果树主要害虫之一, 威胁到当地果树正常生长和产量。当前对其在西藏地区果树上的形态特征、生物学特性以及发生规律的报道很少。本研究通过野外定期取样调查对杏树朝鲜毛球蚧的形态特性、生活史和发生动态进行了研究, 并对其防控措施进行简述。结果表明, 林芝地区朝鲜毛球蚧1年发生1代, 以2龄若虫固着在被害枝条上越冬, 翌年4月出蛰, 成虫4月中下旬发生, 当年若虫孵化期在6月中-7月下旬, 主要以固定若虫和雌成虫为害。雌虫产卵期可持续8~12 d, 卵量平均为985粒/雌。虫体膨大期(4月上旬)和若虫孵化游走盛期(6月上旬)是林芝地区杏树朝鲜毛球蚧防治的适宜期。可用40%氧化乐果或石硫合剂原液涂抹法进行防治。
      Didesmococcus koreanus Borchsenius has become one of the main pests of fruit trees in Linzhi area of Tibet in China, and has been a threat to the normal growth and yield of local fruit trees. At present, there are few reports on the morphological characteristics, biological characteristics and occurrence regularity of D. koreanus on fruit trees in Tibet. In this study, the morphological characteristics, life history and occurrence dynamics of D. koreanus were investigated through field regular survey, meanwhile its prevention and control measures was briefly summarized. The results showed that D. koreanus occur one generation per year in Linzhi area, the 2nd instar larvae overwinter in the branches and appeared in April next year, then emerge at the end of April. The larvae hatched between the middle of June and the end of July. Larvae and female adults always damage the host trees. The oviposition period lasts 8-12 days and the average number of eggs was 985 per female. The body enlargement period (early April) and the larvae hatched stage (early June) are suitable for the prevention and control of D. koreanus. We can use methamidophos by spraying or root irrigation, and 40% omethoate or lime sulfur to apply on the trunk
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