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马 红 1, 王月超 1, 2, 孙 莹 1, 高 红 1, 陶 波 1, 韩玉军 1*.杂草对9类常用不同作用机制除草剂的非靶标抗性机制研究进展[J].植物保护,2024,50(1):15-23.
Advances in non-target resistance mechanisms of weeds to nine kinds of commonly used herbicides with different mechanisms of action
投稿时间:2022-11-03  修订日期:2022-12-07
中文关键词:  杂草  除草剂  作用方式  非靶标抗性  抗性机制
英文关键词:weeds  herbicides  mode of action  non-target resistance  resistance mechanism
马 红 1, 王月超 1, 2, 孙 莹 1, 高 红 1, 陶 波 1, 韩玉军 1* 1. 东北农业大学植物保护学院, 哈尔滨 150030
2. 黑龙江省农业科学院作物资源研究所, 哈尔滨 150086 
摘要点击次数: 192
全文下载次数: 191
      除草剂的应用为农业生产带来便利, 但长期、单一使用某一种或相同机制的除草剂也引发了杂草对除草剂的抗性问题。抗性杂草种类逐渐增加, 抗性形成机制复杂, 导致农田杂草的治理难度增加。杂草对除草剂的抗性机制主要分为两种, 一种是除草剂靶标位点基因的突变或过量表达导致的靶标抗性, 另一种是杂草对除草剂吸收、转运、固存和代谢等一个或多个生理过程发生变化导致的非靶标抗性。本文综述了杂草对9类不同作用方式除草剂的非靶标抗性机制的生理、生化和分子基础的研究进展, 以期为抗性杂草综合治理提供参考。
      The application of herbicides has brought convenience to agricultural production, but long-term use of single herbicide or herbicides with the same mode of action has caused the problem of weed resistance to herbicides. The types of resistant weeds keep increasing, and the formation mechanism of resistance is complex, which leads to the difficulty in the control of weeds in farmlands. The resistance mechanisms of weeds to herbicides are mainly divided into two types. One is target resistance caused by mutations or overexpression of herbicide-targeted genes, and the other is non-target resistance caused by changes in one or more physiological processes such as herbicide uptake, transport, sequestration, and metabolisM. In this review, the physiological, biochemical and molecular bases of non-target resistance mechanisms of weeds to nine kinds of herbicides with different action modes were summarized to provide a reference for the comprehensive management of resistant weeds.
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