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韩冬银1, 马泽文2, 朱俊洪2, 李 磊1, 王建赟1, 符悦冠1, 3, 张方平1*.施用茚虫威饵剂后红火蚁的蚁巢迁移及弃尸行为[J].植物保护,2024,50(3):307-311.
Effects of indoxacarb on the movement and necrophoric behavior of Solenopsis invicta
投稿时间:2023-03-03  修订日期:2023-05-25
中文关键词:  红火蚁  茚虫威  蚁巢  迁移  弃尸
英文关键词:Solenopsis invicta  indoxacarb  nest  movement  necrophoric behavior
韩冬银1, 马泽文2, 朱俊洪2, 李 磊1, 王建赟1, 符悦冠1, 3, 张方平1* 1. 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所, 农业农村部热带作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室, 海南省热带农业有害生物监测与控制重点实验室, 海口 571101
2. 海南大学植物保护学院, 海口 570228
3. 中国热带农业科学院三亚研究院, 三亚 572024 
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      红火蚁Solenopsis invicta是典型的社会性昆虫, 在防控过程中容易引起红火蚁巢体迁移和弃尸等现象, 影响防控效果。本研究对标记好的蚁巢施用茚虫威饵剂, 然后定时观察新增加的蚁巢数量和工蚁弃尸量。结果表明, 施用0.08%和0.1%茚虫威饵剂后, 所有处理均有新蚁巢出现, 施药后5~10 d, 新蚁巢大量出现, 随后蚁群趋向稳定, 新增蚁巢减少, 至处理后25~30 d, 再次出现新蚁巢。0.1%茚虫威饵剂15 g/巢处理在施药后5 d出现8个新蚁巢, 药后10 d和30 d分别又新增5个蚁巢, 其他时间新增蚁巢数较少。按处理剂量, 药后30 d, 2种药剂15 g/巢处理出现的新巢数量均显著高于25 g/巢处理。0.1%茚虫威15 g/巢处理, 校正蚁巢累计增加率高达124.98%, 0.08%茚虫威饵剂15 g/巢处理为89.05%; 0.08%和0.1%茚虫威饵剂25 g/巢处理, 校正蚁巢累计增加率分别为12.00%和51.34%。施用15 g/巢饵剂后2 d开始有大量工蚁尸体被丢弃, 至药后4 d弃尸量达最大值, 0.08%和0.1%茚虫威饵剂处理弃尸量分别为330.5头/巢和300.2头/巢, 随后呈逐步下降趋势, 至14 d, 弃尸量降至最低。施药后8 d内弃尸量达总弃尸量75.26%以上, 至药后10 d, 已达总弃尸量的90.08%以上。施用0.08%和0.1%茚虫威饵剂25 g/巢的处理新蚁巢出现较少, 表明施用相对低剂量的饵剂, 更容易引起蚁巢迁移。红火蚁的弃尸行为主要发生在饵剂施用后的前8 d。
      Solenopsis invicta is a typical social insects. During the control process, S.invicta tends to cause nest migration and body discarding, which affects the control effect. After applying indoxacarb bait at the set dose to the marked ant nests, the increase number of ant nests and the quantity of worker ant corpses were observed regularly. After the application of 0.08% and 0.1% indoxacarb baits, the migration of ant nests appeared 30 d after the application of 0.08% and 0.1% indoxacarb baits. After 5 to 10 d of treatment, a large number of new nests appeared, and then the colony tended to be stable with less new nests. After 25 to 30 d of treatment, new nests appeared again. In the treatment of 0.1% indoxacarb bait 15 g/nest, eight new nests appeared five days after application, and five new nests were added at 10 d and 30 d respectively. The few number of new nests was observed at other times. According to the treatment dose, the number of new nests in 15 g/nest treatment was significantly higher than that in 25 g/nest treatment, and the corrected cumulative increase rate of 0.1% indoxacarb 15 g/ nest treatment was the highest, reaching 124.98%, 0.08% indoxacarb 15 g/ nest treatment was 89.05%. The average corrected cumulative increase rates of 0.08% and 0.1% indoxacarb at 25 g/nest were 12.00% and 51.34%, respectively. After 15 g/nest of bait was applied, a large number of worker ant corpses were discarded from the 2nd day after the treatment, and the number of discarded bodies reached the maximum on the 4th day after the treatment, the amount of discarded corpses treated with 0.08% and 0.1% indoxacarb baits was 330.5 and 300.2 individuals/nest respectively, and then gradually decreased to the lowest on the 14th day after the treatment. The amount of body discarded was more than 75.26% after 8 d, and more than 90.08% of total body discarded after 10 d. The results showed that 15 g/nest of bait could induce nest migration, and the corpse discarding behavior of S.invicta mainly occurred in the first 8 d after bait application.
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