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李 露1, 2, 李素欣1, 2, 王冕之2, 孙学文1, 罗水晶3, 林发鑫4, 贾黎明2*, 温俊宝1*.铃斑翅夜蛾蛹及成虫性别的快速鉴定[J].植物保护,2024,50(3):287-292.
Rapid sex determination of pupae and adults of Serrodes campana (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
投稿时间:2023-04-04  修订日期:2023-04-15
中文关键词:  铃斑翅夜蛾    成虫  形态特征  性别鉴定
英文关键词:Serrodes campana  pupa  adult  morphological characteristics  sex identification
李 露1, 2, 李素欣1, 2, 王冕之2, 孙学文1, 罗水晶3, 林发鑫4, 贾黎明2*, 温俊宝1* 1. 北京林业大学林木有害生物防治北京市重点实验室, 北京 100083
2. 北京林业大学国家能源非粮生物质原料研发中心, 北京 100083
3. 福建源华林业生物科技有限公司, 三明 354500
4. 福建省建宁县林业局, 三明 354500 
贾黎明 jlm@bjfu.edu.cn;温俊宝wenjb@bjfu.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 332
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      本文通过观察比较铃斑翅夜蛾Serrodes campana Guenée蛹及成虫雌雄个体之间外部形态差异, 总结出其蛹及成虫个体雌雄鉴别特征与区分方法, 结果表明:雌蛹腹部末端第8腹节有生殖孔和产卵孔连接形成的纵裂缝, 形成“人”字形, 裂缝两侧平坦无突起; 雄蛹第8腹节无裂缝, 第9腹节靠近第10腹节中央有1纵裂缝, 裂缝两侧各有1个半圆形瘤状突起。雌成虫前翅亚中褶内侧的黑斑外侧半圆形, 前翅基线至外线间与前胸背板同色, 腹部末端圆锥状; 雄成虫前翅亚中褶内侧的黑斑外侧直线形, 前翅基线至外线间浅黄色, 颜色较前胸背板浅, 腹部末端圆筒状。此方法简易有效, 能极大提升野外区分蛹和成虫性别的效率, 对研究其生殖生物学和后续提取性信息素意义重大。
      In this paper, by observing and comparing the external morphological differences between male and female individuals of the pupae and adults of Serrodes campana Guenée, characteristics and methods for distinguishing between the sexes of pupae and adults were summarized. The results showed that the 8th abdominal segment at the end of the abdomen of the female pupa has a longitudinal crack formed by the connection of the genital hole and the oviposition hole, forming a “herringbone” shape, and the two sides of the crack are flat without protrusions. The 8th abdominal segment of the male pupa has no slit, the 9th abdominal segment has a longitudinal crack near the center of the 10th abdominal segment, and there is a semicircular tumor-like protrusion on each side of the crack. Female and male adult morphological differences are large, the female adult sub middle fold has a fan-shaped medial black spot, and the forewing base line to the outer line is the same color as the pronotum, and the abdomen of female moth is more rounded than that of the male moth, and the abdomen is cone-shaped at the end of the abdomen. The black spot of male at the sub middle fold in front wings is nearly triangular, light yellow between the baseline and the outer line, the color is lighter than the pronotum, the abdomen is narrow and long, and the end of the abdomen is cylindrical. This method is simple and effective, and greatly improves the efficiency of distinguishing the sex of pupae and adults in the field, which is of great significance for the study of S.campana reproductive biology and subsequent extraction of sex pheromones.
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