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周永平1, 2, 黄玉锋3, 张 燕2, 马 超2, 陈红松2, 4, 桂富荣1*, 周忠实2, 4*.广聚萤叶甲Vg基因的鉴定及表达分析[J].植物保护,2024,50(3):278-286.
Identification and expression analysis of Vg genes in Ophraella communa
投稿时间:2023-03-25  修订日期:2023-04-17
中文关键词:  广聚萤叶甲  卵黄原蛋白基因  克隆  序列分析  表达水平
英文关键词:Ophraella communa  vitellogenin gene  clone  sequence analysis  expression level
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(32172494, 31972340)
周永平1, 2, 黄玉锋3, 张 燕2, 马 超2, 陈红松2, 4, 桂富荣1*, 周忠实2, 4* 1. 云南农业大学植物保护学院, 昆明 650201
2. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 北京 100193
3. 甘肃省陇南市礼县畜牧兽医站, 陇南 742200
4. 广西壮族自治区农业科学院植物保护研究所, 南宁 530007 
桂富荣 guifr@ynau.edu.cn; 周忠实 zhouzhongshi@caas.cn 
摘要点击次数: 288
全文下载次数: 400
      卵黄原蛋白(vitellogenin, Vg)作为雌性多功能生殖蛋白, 为卵黄发生提供所需的储备能源。为明确Vg基因在广聚萤叶甲Ophraella communa生殖过程中的潜在作用, 本研究通过RT-PCR技术克隆得到广聚萤叶甲的3个Vg基因, 其OcVg1, OcVg2和OcVg3开放阅读框(ORF)分别为5 310、5 322 bp和5 298 bp, 对应编码1 768、1 772和1 764个氨基酸。其OcVgs蛋白具有LLTP超家族的保守结构域:LPD_N、DUF1943和VWD结构域; 多位于N-端的多聚丝氨酸区(polyserine domains), 保守的GL/ICG、R/KXXR/K、DGXR基序和C-端半胱氨酸残基等。构建系统进化树发现, OcVgs与鞘翅目昆虫聚为一支。时空表达分析发现, OcVgs基因在不同组织及发育阶段的表达动态相似, 在脂肪体中特异性高表达(P<0.05); 在成虫羽化后的性成熟阶段的表达量最高, 幼虫期的表达水平可以忽略不计(P<0.05)。研究结果为深入理解广聚萤叶甲生殖作用的分子机制奠定基础。
      Vitellogenin (Vg) as a female multifunctional reproductive protein, which plays an important role in vitellogenesis. This study aimed to clarify the potential role of the Vg gene in the reproductive process of Ophraella communa. Three Vg genes were cloned by RT-PCR, and the open reading frames of OcVg1, OcVg2, and OcVg3 were 5 310, 5 322, and 5 298 bp, respectively, encoding 1 768, 1 772, and 1 764 amino acids. OcVg proteins have the conserved domain of the LLTP superfamily, including LPD_N, DUF1943, and VWD domains. Polyserine domains located at the N-terminal, with the conserved GL/ICG, R/KXXR/K, DGXR motifs, and C-terminal cysteine residues. The OcVgs clustered with those of Coleoptera insects by constructing a phylogenetic tree. Spatio-temporal expression analysis showed that the expression dynamics of OcVg genes in different tissues and developmental stages were similar, with high specificity in fat bodies (P<0.05). The expression level was the highest at the sexual maturity stage after adult emergence, and the expression level at the larval stage could be ignored (P<0.05). The results of this study lay the foundation for a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanism of the reproductive function of O. communa.
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