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郇志博1, 2, 3*, 于世幸1, 2.胡椒和肉桂挥发性组成分析及对普通大蓟马的驱避作用[J].植物保护,2024,50(3):195-202.
Analysis of volatile components in Piper nigrum and Cinnamomum cassia and their repellent activity against Megalurothrips usitatus
投稿时间:2023-05-12  修订日期:2023-06-06
中文关键词:  胡椒  肉桂  挥发性组分  普通大蓟马  驱避活性
英文关键词:Piper nigrum  Cinnamomum cassia  volatile components  Megalurothrips usitatus  repellent activity
郇志博1, 2, 3*, 于世幸1, 2 1. 农业农村部亚热带果品蔬菜质量安全控制重点实验室, 中国热带农业科学院分析测试中心, 海口 571101
2. 华中农业大学食品科学技术学院, 武汉 430070
3. 海南省热带果蔬产品质量安全重点实验室, 海口 571101 
摘要点击次数: 356
全文下载次数: 494
      豇豆农药残留问题非常严峻, 对豇豆上普通大蓟马的化学防治是造成豇豆农残超标的主要原因, 开展普通大蓟马的绿色防治迫在眉睫。利用植物挥发物驱避害虫是一种重要的害虫绿色防控手段。本研究利用GC-MS分析了胡椒和肉桂的挥发性化合物组成, 并利用“Y”形嗅觉仪测定了胡椒和肉桂及5种主要挥发物对普通大蓟马的驱避作用。结果表明, 在胡椒中鉴定出27种挥发性成分, 主要成分为β-石竹烯, 含量占43.1%; 在肉桂中鉴定出21种挥发性成分, 主要成分为肉桂醛(28.4%)、α-可巴烯(15.4%)、α-依兰油烯(14.1%)、γ-杜松烯(14.9%)。行为反应测定结果表明胡椒和肉桂对普通大蓟马分别具有极显著和显著的驱避作用; β-石竹烯、肉桂醛、α-可巴烯浓度为10%和1%时对普通大蓟马具有极显著的驱避作用, 10%的α-依兰油烯和10%的γ-杜松烯对普通大蓟马分别具有极显著和显著的驱避作用。本研究对豇豆普通大蓟马绿色防控技术研发和驱避剂的开发具有一定指导意义。
      The cowpea faces a severe pesticide residue issue, primarily due to chemical control targeting Megalurothrips usitatus. It is urgent to implement eco-friendly pest control. Utilizing plant volatiles for pests repellence is an important pest control method. In this study, the volatile compositions of Piper nigrum and Cinnamomum cassia were analyzed using GC-MS, and the effects of P.nigrum, C.cassia, and five major volatiles on the behavioral response of M.usitatus were measured using a Y-tube olfactometer. The results showed that P.nigrum contained 27 volatile components, with β-caryophyllene being the main component (43.1%). C. cassia contained 21 volatile components, with cinnamaldehyde (28.4%), α-copaene (15.4%), α-muurolene (14.1%), and γ-cadinene (14.9%) being the main components. Behavioral response tests showed that P.nigrum and C.cassia had significant repellent activity against M.usitatus. β-caryophyllene, cinnamaldehyde, and α-copaene at concentrations of 10% and 1% exhibited significant repellent activity against M. usitatus, and 10% α-muurolene and 10% γ-cadinene had significant repellent activity against M. usitatus. This study holds crucial significance for the development of eco-friendly control methods and repellents targeting M.usitatus on cowpea crops.
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