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田 烨1, 李银煳1, 2, 陈 强1, 张金龙1, 陈国华1*, 张晓明1*.日本细毛环腹瘿蜂对斑翅果蝇的寄生效能[J].植物保护,2024,50(3):146-154.
Parasitic capacity of Leptopilina japonica to Drosophila suzukii
投稿时间:2023-03-27  修订日期:2023-05-11
中文关键词:  日本细毛环腹瘿蜂  斑翅果蝇  生物防治  寄生功能反应  寄生效能
英文关键词:Leptopilina japonica  Drosophila suzukii  biological control  parasitic functional response  parasitic capacity
田 烨1, 李银煳1, 2, 陈 强1, 张金龙1, 陈国华1*, 张晓明1* 1. 云南农业大学植物保护学院, 云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室, 昆明 650201
2. 云南省农业科学院甘蔗研究所, 云南省甘蔗遗传改良重点实验室, 开远 661699 
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      日本细毛环腹瘿蜂Leptopilina japonica是斑翅果蝇Drosophila suzukii的优势寄生性天敌之一, 对斑翅果蝇具有良好的生防潜力。为更好地利用日本细毛环腹瘿蜂防控斑翅果蝇, 本研究在室内观察了日本细毛环腹瘿蜂的行为活动和生长发育特征。采用室内接虫法研究了该蜂对斑翅果蝇2龄幼虫的寄生能力。分别运用Holling Ⅱ型圆盘方程、搜寻效应方程和Hassell-Varley模型拟合分析了日本细毛环腹瘿蜂的寄生功能反应、搜寻效应和自身密度干扰效应。结果表明:日本细毛环腹瘿蜂的寄生功能反应符合Holling Ⅱ模型, 其拟合方程为:Na=0.70N/(1+0.03N); 寄生效能(a/Th)为15.78; 在一定空间内, 寄生蜂的寄生量随寄主密度增加而增大, 至寄主密度达25头/罐后寄生量趋于平稳; 寄生蜂的搜寻效应随着寄主密度的增加而减弱; 当斑翅果蝇的密度分别为10、20、30头/罐时寄生蜂自身密度干扰模型分别为E10=0.487 8P-0.871 3; E20=0.442 0P-0.676 8和E30=0.346 2P-0.433 7, 在同一寄主密度下, 日本细毛环腹瘿蜂的寻找效应均随自身密度的增加而减弱。日本细毛环腹瘿蜂对斑翅果蝇2龄幼虫具有较好的寄生效能, 但寄主密度较大会导致日本细毛环腹瘿蜂的寄生效能减弱, 随着寄生蜂自身密度的增加, 其种内个体间会出现干扰作用。
      Leptopilina japonica is one of the dominant parasitic natural enemies of Drosophila suzukii, displaying great potential for the control of D.suzukii. In this study, we observed the behavioral and developmental characteristics of L.japonica under indoor conditions and investigated its parasitic ability on the 2nd-instar larvae of D.suzukii. The parasitic response, searching effect, and self-density interference effect of L.japonica were analyzed using the Holling Ⅱ type functional response model, searching effect equation and Hassell-Varley model, respectively. The results showed that the parasitic response of L.japonica fitted the Holling Ⅱ type model, and the equation was Na=0.70N/(1+0.03N). The parasitic capacity (a/Th) was 15.78; the parasitic amount increased with increasing host density in a given space, leveling off when the host density reached 25 individuals per jar; the searching effect of the parasitic wasp decreased with increasing host density. The interference models of the parasitoid wasps were E10=0.487 8P-0.871 3; E20=0.442 0P-0.676 8; E30=0.346 2P-0.433 7, when host densities were 10, 20, 30 individuals per jar, respectively. However, searching effect weakened with increasing self-density under same host density. L.japonica shows good parasitic capacity on the 2nd-instar larvae of D.suzukii, however, higher host densities resulted in reduced parasitization capacity of L.japonica, attributed to intraspecific disturbance among the parasitoid individuals as their density increased.
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