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郭腾达, 秦誉嘉*, 李志红*.实蝇科昆虫对寄主植物的选择和响应研究进展[J].植物保护,2023,49(5):196-206.
Advances in host selection and response of Tephritidae insects
投稿时间:2023-06-18  修订日期:2023-07-06
中文关键词:  实蝇科  寄主选择  植物挥发物  化学感受基因  抗性相关基因
英文关键词:Tephritidae  host selection  plant volatiles  chemosensory genes  resistance-related genes
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2022YFC2601500); 北京市自然科学基金(6232023)
郭腾达, 秦誉嘉*, 李志红* 中国农业大学植物保护学院植物生物安全系, 农业农村部植物检疫性有害生物监测防控重点实验室, 北京 100193 秦誉嘉qinyujia@cau.edu.cn; 李志红lizh@cau.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 342
全文下载次数: 627
      实蝇科昆虫种类繁多, 全球广泛分布, 其中诸多种类可直接为害果蔬, 造成巨大经济损失, 是国际检疫性或入侵性害虫。实蝇主要通过成虫产卵和幼虫取食来为害寄主植物, 实蝇与寄主植物之间的相互作用包括实蝇对寄主的选择以及实蝇对寄主的响应。本文综述了实蝇科昆虫对寄主植物的选择, 包括对不同寄主植物种类、寄主植物不同部位和寄主植物不同品种的选择; 以及对寄主植物的响应包括对寄主植物的生长发育响应, 对寄主植物的行为响应。同时总结了实蝇的化学感受器官、化学感受基因及抗性相关基因在实蝇对寄主植物选择和响应中的作用, 以期为深入了解实蝇科昆虫对寄主植物的选择和响应机制以及研发实蝇类害虫防治技术提供参考。
      Tephritidae insects are distributed worldwide and can directly damage fruits and vegetables, leading to significant economic losses. Many of them are considered as international quarantine or invasive pests. The damage is caused through oviposition by female adults and feeding by larvae. The interactions between tephritids and host plants include selection and response of tephritids to host plants. This review summarized the selection of tephritids to host plants, including plant species, different varieties and different parts of host plants. The response of tephritids to host plants included the growth and developmental response and the behavioral response. The roles of the chemical sensory organs, chemical sensory genes and resistance-related genes in selection and response of tephritids to host plants were also summarized, which aimed to further understand the selection and response mechanisms of tephritidae and develop technologies for tephritidae pest control.
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