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吴梦楚, 姚文英, 武雨婷, 许向利*, 仵均祥.陕西关中梨茎蜂生活史及成虫发生动态[J].植物保护,2023,49(2):354-357.
Life cycle and adult population dynamics of Janus piri in Guanzhong, Shaanxi province
投稿时间:2021-12-21  修订日期:2022-02-21
中文关键词:  梨茎蜂  发生规律  黄板  诱杀
英文关键词:Janus piri  occurrence  yellow sticky board  trap
吴梦楚, 姚文英, 武雨婷, 许向利*, 仵均祥 WU Mengchu, YAO Wenying, WU Yuting, XU Xiangli*, WU Junxiang xuxiangli@nwsuaf.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 217
全文下载次数: 244
      为明确陕西关中酥梨产区梨茎蜂的发生规律, 为有效防治提供依据, 2019年-2021年, 通过田间定期取样结合黄色粘虫板监测, 系统调查了梨茎蜂生活史和成虫发生动态?结果表明, 梨茎蜂在陕西关中一年发生1代, 以老熟幼虫在梨树被害枝条内越冬?春季梨芽萌动时, 梨茎蜂越冬幼虫开始化蛹, 3月中旬成虫陆续羽化出枝, 3月中下旬达到高峰, 雌蜂造成的折梢高峰期紧随成虫发生高峰期; 4月下旬幼虫为害枝梢髓部, 8月下旬幼虫老熟后在被害枝条内越冬?黄色粘虫板不仅诱杀梨茎蜂成虫, 同时也诱杀蜜蜂?瓢虫?草蛉?食蚜蝇和寄生蜂等有益昆虫?因此, 应抓住梨茎蜂出枝盛期诱杀防治, 一旦成虫数量大幅降低, 及时解除黄板?
      To clarify the occurrence of Janus piri and provide a basis for the effective control against the pest, life history and adult population dynamics of J. piri were investigated by field sampling and yellow sticky trap monitoring in Guanzhong, Shaanxi province from 2019 to 2021. Results showed that J. piri occurred one generation per year in Guanzhong, and mature larvae overwintered in the infested branches of the pear trees. In early March of spring, the pear buds sprouted and the larvae began to pupate. In mid-March, J. piri gradually emerged, reaching the peak of the adult emergence in mid-to-late March. The peak of broken shoots caused by females followed the peak of the adult emergence. After the eggs hatched in late April, the larvae fed on the marrow of the branches. The mature larva entered the overwintering state in the infested branches in late August. Yellow sticky boards trapped J. piri adults, as well beneficial insects, such as bees, ladybugs, lacewings, hoverflies, and parasitoids. Therefore, J. piri could be trapped at the peak of the adult emergence. Once the number of adults greatly reduced, the yellow sticky boards should be removed in time.
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