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刘锦霞1, 2, 李 晶1, 张丹丹2, 3, 李 娜1, 付麟雲1, 丁 品1, 吴孔明2*.11种植物源杀虫活性成分对草地贪夜蛾的毒力测定[J].植物保护,2023,49(1):351-356.
Toxicity of 11 botanical insecticidal active ingredients to the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda
投稿时间:2021-11-07  修订日期:2021-12-31
中文关键词:  草地贪夜蛾  植物源杀虫剂  杀虫活性成分  毒力
英文关键词:Spodoptera frugiperda  botanical insecticide  active ingredient  toxicity
基金项目:甘肃省科学院“科苑英才”访问学者计划;甘肃省科学院应用研究与开发计划项目(2018JK-08); 甘肃省科学院产业化开发计划(2021CY01)
刘锦霞1, 2, 李 晶1, 张丹丹2, 3, 李 娜1, 付麟雲1, 丁 品1, 吴孔明2* 1. 甘肃省科学院生物研究所, 兰州 730000
2. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室, 北京 100193
3. 北京林业大学草业与草原学院, 北京 100083 
摘要点击次数: 368
全文下载次数: 403
      草地贪夜蛾是2018年入侵我国的重大迁飞性害虫, 对玉米等农作物生产构成重大威胁。为开发新型生物农药产品,提供防效更高的生物农药品种, 本研究采用点滴法评价了蛇床子素、大蒜素、补骨脂素、闹羊花毒素Ⅲ、印楝素、对叶百部碱、莨菪碱、血根碱、辣椒碱、苦参碱和丁香酚等共11种植物源杀虫活性成分对草地贪夜蛾2龄幼虫的毒力水平。结果显示:这11种杀虫活性成分对草地贪夜蛾2龄幼虫均有毒杀作用, 但起效时间都有不同程度的滞后。用药后48、72 h和168 h, 不同杀虫活性成分对草地贪夜蛾2龄幼虫的LD50范围分别为0.212~14.382 μg/头、0.191~11.675 μg/头和0.164~9.463 μg/头。药后72 h 毒力大小顺序为:丁香酚>印楝素>闹羊花毒素Ⅲ>补骨脂素>血根碱>大蒜素>苦参碱>莨菪碱>蛇床子素>辣椒碱>对叶百部碱。研究结果为利用丁香酚等活性成分开发防治草地贪夜蛾的生物农药新产品提供了技术支撑。
      Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, an important migratory pest which invaded China in 2018, has become a major threat to the production of maize and other crops in many countries. In order to develop novel biopesticide, the toxicity of 11 botanical active components, including osthole, allicin, psoralen, rhodojaponinⅢ, azadirachtin, tuberostemonine, anisodamine, sanguinarine, capsaicin, matrine and eugenol to S.frugiperda larvae was evaluated using topical application method. The results showed that all the active ingredients presented toxic effects to larvae of the pest, but worked at different speed. The ranges of LD50 were 0.212-14.382 μg/larva at 48 h, 0.191-11.675 μg/larva at 72 h, and 0.164-9.463 μg/larva at 168 h, respectively. The 72 h toxicities was ordered from high to low as eugenol>azadirachtin>rhodojaponinⅢ>psoralen>sanguinarine>allicin>matrine>anisodamine>osthole>capsaicin>tuberostemonine. This study provides a basis for development of novel biological pesticides against S.frugiperda using eugenol and other active ingredients.
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