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陈玉鑫, 张钰析, 刘瑞昌, 李琳琳, 李春沁, 李伯辽, 李广伟*.陕北枣区枣疯病、枣裂果病及桃小食心虫发生危害调查[J].植物保护,2023,49(1):317-327.
Investigation on occurrence and damage of jujube witches’-broom, jujube fruit-cracking and Carposina sasakii in jujube area of Northern Shaanxi
投稿时间:2021-10-30  修订日期:2022-02-17
中文关键词:  陕北枣区  枣疯病  枣裂果病  桃小食心虫  病情分级
英文关键词:jujube region in North Shaanxi  jujube witches’-broom  jujube fruit-cracking  Carposina sasakii  plant disease grading
陈玉鑫, 张钰析, 刘瑞昌, 李琳琳, 李春沁, 李伯辽, 李广伟* 陕西省红枣重点实验室延安大学, 延安大学生命科学学院, 延安 716000 liguangwei@yau.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 214
全文下载次数: 329
      陕北枣区是我国重要的红枣种植区, 枣疯病、枣裂果病和桃小食心虫的危害已成为制约当地红枣产业健康发展的主要因素。本研究对陕北枣区“两病一虫”的发生程度及分布特点进行全面调查, 旨在为当地制定红枣重大病虫害的预警和综合防控策略提供数据支持。根据陕北枣区红枣的分布特点, 调查了延川、清涧、吴堡和佳县4县15个乡镇60个行政村枣园的枣疯病、枣裂果病及桃小食心虫的发生危害情况。结果表明, 枣疯病在陕北枣区普遍发生, 呈现偏南部发病率高、偏北部发病率低的特点, 15个乡镇枣疯病平均发病率在0.17%~33.63%, 感病最严重的枣园发病率高达61.00%。枣脆熟期的裂果率在10.33%~77.40%, 也呈现枣区偏南部裂果重、偏北部裂果轻的特点。枣裂果率与枣园所处纬度呈负相关, 与8月-9月降雨量呈正相关。此外, 枣裂果率的高低与枣树品种有关, ‘骏枣’和‘团枣’的平均裂果率显著高于‘木枣’; ‘骏枣’裂果以纵裂和不规则裂为主, ‘团枣’以不规则裂为主、环裂次之, ‘木枣’则以不规则裂和纵裂为主。陕北枣区桃小食心虫蛀果率较低, 介于0.50%~10.40%, ‘团枣’和‘骏枣’的蛀果率显著高于‘木枣’。在陕北枣区枣树病虫害防控中, 应以预防和治理枣裂果病和枣疯病为重点, 通过防治媒介昆虫叶蝉和加强田间管理延缓枣疯病的发生蔓延, 在桃小食心虫发生严重的枣区应采取综合防治措施, 降低一代幼虫的蛀果率。
      Northern Shaanxi is an important jujube planting area in China. Jujube witches’-broom (JWB), jujube fruit-cracking (JFC), and peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii have become the main factors restricting the healthy development of local jujube industry. The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence and distribution characteristics of these pests and diseases in jujube region of Northern Shaanxi, providing data support for the early warning and comprehensive control strategies of major diseases and pests in jujube. According to the distribution of jujube planting in Northern Shaanxi, the occurrence and damage of JWB, JFC and C . sasakii in jujube orchards of 60 villages in 15 towns of Yanchuan, Qingjian, Wubu and Jiaxian counties were investigated. The results showed that JWB was common widespread in jujube planting area of this region, with a higher incidence in the South region and lower in the North region. The average incidence of JWB was 0.17%-33.63% in 15 townships, with the higher incidence of 61.00%. The fruit-cracking rate of jujube was 10.33%-77.40% at crisp ripening stage, and also showed an increase cracking rate from north to south part. The fruit-cracking rate was negatively correlated with latitude, and positively correlated with rainfall from August to September. The fruit-cracking rate of jujube was also related to the variety of jujube, indicating that the average fruit-cracking rate of ‘Jun-jujube’ and ‘Tuan-jujube’ was significantly higher than that of ‘Mu-jujube’. The longitudinal and random cracking were main cracking modes for ‘Jun-jujube’ and ‘Mu-jujube’, and the random cracking, ring cracking were main cracking modes in ‘Tuan-jujube’. The percentage of bored fruit by C. sasakii larvae in jujube region of whole Northern Shaanxi was low, ranging from 0.50% to 10.40%, and the bored fruit percentages of ‘Tuan-jujube’ and ‘Jun-jujube’ were significantly higher than in than that of ‘Mu-jujube’. The prevention and control of jujube tree diseases and insect pests in jujube area of Northern Shaanxi should focus on the control of JWB and JFC. The spread of JWB should be delayed by the prevention and control of vector leafhoppers and strengthening the field management. Comprehensive prevention and control measures should be taken during the emergence period of the overwintering generation adults of the C. sasakii, to reduce the percentage of bored fruit by first-generation larvae.
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