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罗 鹏, 吴家展, 王广利*.油茶蓝翅天牛触角感器扫描电镜观察[J].植物保护,2023,49(1):271-277.
Scanning electron microscopic observations of the antennal sensilla of Bacchisa atritarsis
投稿时间:2021-10-26  修订日期:2022-01-21
中文关键词:  蓝翅天牛  触角感器  扫描电镜
英文关键词:Bacchisa atritarsis  antennal sensilla  scanning electron microscope
基金项目:江西省林业厅林业科技创新专项 ( 201710); 江西省教育厅科技计划(60359); 江西农业大学研究生创新专项(NDYC2018-S008)
罗 鹏, 吴家展, 王广利* 江西农业大学农学院, 南昌 330045 wgl_2002@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 298
全文下载次数: 214
      蓝翅天牛是我国特有种, 为油茶重要蛀干害虫之一, 对油茶生产造成严重影响。为探明蓝翅天牛触角感器类型, 为基于嗅觉和味觉的防控技术探索提供依据, 本文利用扫描电镜对蓝翅天牛成虫触角上的感器进行观察和比对。结果表明:蓝翅天牛成虫触角存在雌雄二型现象, 触角长度、感器类型及分布均有明显差异。雌雄成虫触角上共发现感器类型7类12种, 其中刺形感器Ⅱ型在雄成虫触角特异分布, 可能在雄虫的某些行为中发挥主导作用。
      Bacchisa atritarsis is an endemic species in China, which is one of the important stem-boring pest of Camellia oleifera, and it seriously affects the quality and output of C. oleifera. In order to ascertain the type of antennal sensilla of B. atritarsis, and to provide the basis for the exploration of the preventation and control technology based on the sense of taste and smell, we used scanning electron microscope to observe the antennal sensilla of B. atritarsis . The results showed that the sexual dimorphism existed in antennae of both sex of B. atritarsis. The antennal length, type and distribution of sensilla were significantly different between sexes. There were seven categories and 12 types of sensilla on the antennae of B. atritarsis, among which SCHⅡ was distributed specifically in the males. It may play a dominant role in some behaviors of the males.
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