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叶照春1, 金剑雪1*, 周 鹏2, 刘 刚3, 张 鑫4, 李鸿波1, 程 英1, 周宇航1, 李凤良1.贵州果园实蝇科害虫种群多样性分析[J].植物保护,2022,48(1):132-139.
Population diversity analysis of fruit fly community in Guizhou province
投稿时间:2020-11-17  修订日期:2020-12-30
中文关键词:  实蝇  多样性分析  贵州  果园
英文关键词:fruit flies  population diversity analysis  Guizhou  orchard
基金项目:贵州省农业科技计划(黔科合支撑[2018]2355);贵州省精品水果现代农业产业技术体系[GZCYTX2020 04]
叶照春1, 金剑雪1*, 周 鹏2, 刘 刚3, 张 鑫4, 李鸿波1, 程 英1, 周宇航1, 李凤良1 1. 贵州省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 贵阳 550006
2. 贵州省六盘水市农业农村局种植业发展中心, 六盘水 553000
3. 贵州省龙里县农业农村局, 龙里 551200
4. 安顺学院农学院, 安顺 561000 
摘要点击次数: 458
全文下载次数: 348
      为明确贵州果园实蝇科害虫种类及多样性,评估贵州实蝇科害虫为害风险,保证特色果品质量及水果产业健康发展,本研究于2019年采用性诱剂、食诱剂等方式开展了贵州果园实蝇科害虫的诱集。经过1年持续调查监测,明确了贵州7个监测果园实蝇种类为8种,均属寡鬃实蝇亚科Dacinae,其中果实蝇属 Bactrocera 2种,镞果实蝇属 Zeugodacus 5种,寡鬃实蝇属 Dacus 1种;除开阳县宅吉乡桃园具条实蝇 Zeugodacus scutellatus (Hendel)数量较多外,其余6个监测点均以橘小实蝇 Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)数量较多,总占比为73.23%,是贵州果园实蝇科害虫的主要优势种;其次为南瓜实蝇 Zeugodacus tau (Walker),总占比为18.51%;而具条实蝇(4.47%)、黑漆实蝇 Zeugodacus scutellaris (Bezzi)(3.24%)、三点棍腹实蝇 Dacus trimacula (Wang)(0.46%)占比均低于5%。在贵州西部区域六盘水市蟠龙镇猕猴桃园和黔中区域龙里县三元镇桃园诱集到越南实蝇 Zeugodacus yoshimotoi (Hardy)(0.02%);在黔西南区域安龙县者贵村芒果园诱集到泰实蝇 Bactrocera thailandica Drew & Hancock,总占比仅为0.07%;另外,在蟠龙镇和者贵村诱集到瓜实蝇 Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett)(0.005 7%),上述3种实蝇数量均较少。比较各监测点的Simpson优势度指数(D)、Shannon Wiener多样性指数(H ′)和均匀度指数( jsw),均以者贵村芒果园的最低,分别为0.099 7、0.263 7和0.135 5;而7个监测点诱集实蝇的相似性系数( G)在0.714 3~1之间,表明各监测果园实蝇种类为中等相似,甚至极为相似,均以橘小实蝇为优势种,实蝇的种群数量分布整体上呈现从贵州西南到东北逐渐降低的趋势。
      To determine the species and diversity of Tephritidae pests in the orchards of Guizhou province, evaluate the risk of their damages in Guizhou, and provide targeted control strategies to ensure the quality of characteristic fruits and healthy development of fruit industry, the Tephritidae pests were continuously trapped in the orchards by using sex attractants and feeding attractants in 2019. Through one year investigation, there were eight species of fruit flies in seven orchards in Guizhou, including two species of Bactrocera, five species of Zeugodacus and one species of Dacus . Except for the number of Zeugodacus scutellatus (Hendel) in peach orchards in Zhaiji village, Kaiyang county, Guiyang city was slightly higher, Bactrocera dorsalis was main dominant species in the other six monitoring points, accounting for 73.23% of the total, The second was Zeugodacus tau (Walker) (18.51%). However, the proportions of Z.scutellatus (4.47%), Z.scutellaris (Bezzi) (3.24%) and Dacus trimacula (Wang) (0.46%) were all less than 5%. Z.yoshimotoi (Hardy)(0.02%) was trapped in kiwi orchard of Panlong township, Liupanshui city and peach orchard of Sanyuan township, Longli county. B.thailandica Drew & Hancock (0.07%) was trapped in mango orchards of Zhegui village, Anlong county, in Southwest Guizhou, and Z.cucurbitae (Coquillett) (0.005 7%) was trapped in Panlong township and Zhegui village. The number of these three species above was relatively small. Diversity analysis showed that the Simpson dominance index (D), the Shannon Wiener's information diversity index (H ′) and the evenness index (jsw) in the mango orchard of Zhegui village, Anlong county were the lowest (0.099 7, 0.263 7 and 0.135 5, respectively). The similarity coefficients (G) of the seven monitoring locations were between 0.714 3-1, indicating that the species in orchards monitored were moderately similar or even extremely similar. The dominant species of fruit fly pests in the orchards of Guizhou was B. dorsalis. The distribution of Tephritidae fruit fly pests generally exhibited a decreasing trend from southwest to northeast in Guizhou.
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