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韩菊红 1, 岳德成 1*, 柳建伟 1, 李 强 2, 史广亮 1, 李青梅 1, 姜延军 1*, 李鹏鹏 2.甘肃平凉苹果病虫害调查初报[J].植物保护,2021,47(4):221-227.
A preliminary investigation report on apple diseases and pests in Pingliang city, Gansu province
投稿时间:2020-05-15  修订日期:2020-07-20
中文关键词:  平凉市  苹果  病虫害  种类  发生程度
英文关键词:Pingliang city  apple  diseases and pests  species  occurrence degree
韩菊红 1, 岳德成 1*, 柳建伟 1, 李 强 2, 史广亮 1, 李青梅 1, 姜延军 1*, 李鹏鹏 2 1. 甘肃省平凉市农业科学院, 平凉 744000
2. 甘肃省平凉市静宁县果树果品研究所, 平凉 743400 
岳德成ydc_196206138@163.com; 姜延军535943378@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 358
全文下载次数: 333
      采用大面积普查的方法对甘肃省平凉市苹果病虫害的发生种类?发生程度?分布特点?危害程度等进行了系统调查?调查发现全市苹果病虫害至少54种, 其中害虫37种, 病害17种, 优势病虫害9种?苹果树腐烂病?斑点落叶病?花叶病毒病和金纹细蛾是普遍发生的优势病虫害, 以苹果树腐烂病和斑点落叶病发生最重, 前者病株率为19.72%~30.54%, 后者病园率?病叶率和病情指数分别达到95.83%~100.00%?11.11%~95.56%和2.22~34.56; 苹果黑星病?褐斑病?锈病?白粉病和绣线菊蚜是局部发生的优势病虫害, 其中苹果黑星病仅分布于静宁?庄浪和灵台县, 且呈严重发生和迅速扩散态势, 病园率?病叶率?病情指数分别达到66.67%~100.00%?7.26%~35.71%和1.74~10.78, 苹果褐斑病在崆峒?崇信?泾川县(区)重或较重发生, 苹果锈病在泾川?庄浪县较重发生, 苹果白粉病在崇信县中度发生, 苹果绣线菊蚜除在个别果园发生较重外, 整体呈轻度以下发生?由病害引起的苹果叶片提早脱落现象在六盘山以东普遍和严重发生, 落叶率达到11.89%~58.67%, 是影响苹果产量和质量的关键因素之一?
      Species, occurrence degree, distribution and damage degree of apple diseases and pests in Pingliang city, Gansu province were investigated in a large-scale. 54 kinds of diseases and pests were found, including 37 kinds of pests and 17 kinds of diseases, and 9 kinds of them were dominant. Apple canker, apple Alternaria leaf spot, apple mosaic virus and Lithocolletis ringoniella were the prevalent dominant diseases and pests. The most severe diseases were apple canker and apple Alternaria leaf spot, and the occurrence rate of apple canker was 19.72%-30.54%, while the diseased garden rate, disease incidence of leaf and disease index of apple Alternaria leaf spot were 95.83%-100.00%, 11.11%-95.56% and 2.22-34.56, respectively. Apple scab, apple brown spot, apple rust, apple powdery mildew and Aphis citricola were the locally occurring dominant diseases and pests. Among them, apple scab was only distributed in Jingning, Zhuanglang and Lingtai counties, and appeared a serious occurrence and rapid spread, with the diseased garden rate, disease incidence of leaf and disease index were 66.67%-100.00%, 7.26%-35.71% and 1.74-10.78, respectively. Apple brown spot occurred seriously in Kongtong, Chongxin, Jingchuan county (district). Apple rust was relatively serious in Jingchuan, Zhuanglang county. Apple powdery mildew was moderate in Chongxin county. A.citricola was mild in general, but serious in some orchards. The early loss of apple leaves caused by the disease was common and serious in the east of Liupanshan mountain, with a leaf loss rate of 11.89%-58.67%, which was one of the key factors affecting the yield and quality of apple.
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