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黄诚华, 商显坤, 魏吉利, 潘雪红*.广西主要蔗区螟虫种类调查与分析[J].植物保护,2021,47(4):186-190.
Investigation on the species of sugarcane borers in sugarcane planting areas of Guangxi
投稿时间:2020-04-26  修订日期:2020-07-10
中文关键词:  广西蔗区  甘蔗螟虫  种类  分布  为害
英文关键词:sugarcane planting areas of Guangxi  sugarcane borer  species  distribution  damage
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2020YFD1000600); 财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-170305); 广西农业科学院基本科研业务专项(桂农科2021YT003, 桂农科2020YM26)
黄诚华, 商显坤, 魏吉利, 潘雪红* 广西壮族自治区农业科学院甘蔗研究所, 南宁 530007 panxuehong218@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 309
全文下载次数: 325
      甘蔗螟虫是甘蔗生产中的重要害虫?为掌握目前广西主要蔗区苗期螟虫的主要种类和发生情况, 本研究于2019年4月-5月, 对广西主要蔗区苗期螟害种类及其为害率进行了田间实地调查, 并分析了螟害种类结构的变化?结果表明:在宿根蔗地, 甘蔗苗期黄螟为害最严重, 造成的枯心苗率为5.59%; 其次为条螟, 造成花叶苗率为5.29%; 黄螟为害造成的宿根蔗枯心苗率以桂西南和桂南两大蔗区相对较高, 其平均值分别为7.34%和6.76%; 条螟为害造成的宿根蔗花叶苗率以桂西南蔗区最高, 平均值达7.82%, 桂中和桂南蔗区其次, 其平均值分别为4.59%和4.46%?同一蔗区, 黄螟和条螟在宿根蔗地发生均比新植蔗地严重, 在宿根蔗地平均枯心苗率分别为7.13%和7.99%, 而在新植蔗地分别为2.31%和3.43%?以黄螟枯心苗率为防治指标的达标防治蔗地样点数占比为52.06%, 条螟花叶苗率为防治指标的达标防治蔗地样点数占比为56.16%?广西蔗区甘蔗苗期的主要螟虫为黄螟和条螟, 尤其是黄螟已上升为主要害虫, 表明广西蔗区的优势螟虫种类结构已发生明显变化; 广西南部和西南蔗区的苗期螟害重于北部蔗区; 宿根甘蔗地的螟害重于新植蔗地, 宿根蔗地是螟害防治的重点?
      Sugarcane borers are the important pests affecting sugarcane production. In order to know the main species and occurrence of sugarcane borers in Guangxi, borers species and their damage rate were investigated in the field at the sugarcane seedling stages from April to May in 2019. Results showed that the rate of dead heart caused by Tetramoera schistaceana was the highest (5.59%), followed by Chilo sacchariphagus (5.29%) at the seedling stage of sugarcane in ratoon sugarcane fields. The average dead heart rate of T. schistaceana in the South-West and South of Guangxi was higher (7.34% and 6.76%). The average mosaic seedling rate of C. sacchariphagus in the South-West of Guangxi was the highest (7.82%), while those in the Middle and South of Guangxi were 4.59% and 4.46%, respectively. The average damage rates in ratoon sugarcane fields caused by T. schistaceana and C.sacchariphagus were higher (7.13% and 7.99%), while lower in the newly planted sugarcane fields (2.31% and 3.43%). Taking the damage rate of T. schistaceana as the control indicators, 52.06% ratoon cane fields should be prevented and controlled. Taking the damage rate of C.sacchariphagus as the control indicator, 56.16% ratoon cane fields should be prevented and controlled. T. schistaceana and C. sacchariphagus are the main pest species at the seedling stage of sugarcane in Guangxi, especially T. schistaceana has been the dominant species, indicating that the structure of the dominant borers in Guangxi has changed obviously. Borer damage was more serious in the South and South-West sugarcane region than that in Northern sugarcane region in Guangxi. Borer damage in the ratoon sugarcane fields was more serious than that in the newly planted sugarcane field. Therefore, sugarcane borers in ratoon sugarcane fields should be the key point of pest control.
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