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李诗利1, 郑鑫1, 路伟1, 杨振博2, 高有华1, 张桦*.几种生物源农药对高架草莓叶螨和蚜虫的防治效果比较[J].植物保护,2021,47(2):258-261.
Comparison of control effects of several bio-pesticides against leaf mites and aphids on strawberry
投稿时间:2019-11-08  修订日期:2019-12-23
中文关键词:  生物源农药  草莓  叶螨  蚜虫
英文关键词:bio-pesticide  strawberry  leaf mite  aphid
李诗利1, 郑鑫1, 路伟1, 杨振博2, 高有华1, 张桦* 1. 新疆农业大学农学院, 乌鲁木齐830052
2. 新疆绿友生态建设有限公司, 乌鲁木齐830052 
摘要点击次数: 625
全文下载次数: 516
      叶螨和蚜虫是草莓生产中的重要害虫, 为减少化学农药使用同时提高防治效果, 本研究选择几种生物源农药对草莓叶螨和蚜虫进行防治效果比较。研究结果表明, 对叶螨, 1.8%阿维菌素微乳剂(ME) 1 400倍液防治效果最佳, 药后7 d防治效果达81.15%, 显著高于其他处理; 2.5%鱼藤酮乳油(EC) 600倍液防治效果最差, 药后7 d防治效果为46.87%。对蚜虫, 2.5%鱼藤酮EC 400倍液防治效果最佳, 药后7 d防治效果达85.08%, 1.3%苦参碱水剂(AS) 1 200倍液防治效果最差, 药后7 d防治效果为62.75%。供试生物源药剂对草莓生长安全, 无药害发生。在草莓生产中, 可优先选择1.8%阿维菌素ME 1 400倍液、2.5%鱼藤酮EC 400倍液分别对叶螨、蚜虫进行防治。
      Leaf mite and aphid are important pests in strawberry production. In order to reduce the use of chemical pesticides and improve the control effect, several bio-pesticides were selected to compare the control effect on mites and aphids. The results showed that the 1 400 times solution of abamectin 1.8% ME had the best control effect on the mites, with the efficacy of 81.15% seven days after application, which was significantly higher than those of other pesticides. The control efficacy of rotenone 2.5% EC 600 times solution was the worst, which was only 46.87% seven days after application. Rotenone 2.5% EC 400 times solution had the best control effect against the aphids, with the efficacy of 85.08% seven days after application, and matrine 1.3% AS 1 200 times solution showed the lowest control effect, which was 62.75% seven days after application. All of the tested bio-pesticides were safe to strawberry and no damage was observed. In strawberry production, abamectin 1.8% ME 1 400 times solution and rotenone 2.5% EC 400 times solution are recommend as a priority for the control of mites and aphids, respectively.
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