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李 颖1, 2, 王耀生1, 3, 杨 宁1, 2*, 冯良山2, 邹晓锦4, 龚道枝1, 3, 张 哲2, 赵凤艳2.滴灌施药对覆膜玉米茎腐病防效及产量影响[J].植物保护,2021,47(1):282-286.
Effect on stalk rot control and yield of mulching film maize by drip irrigation system with fungicides
投稿时间:2019-10-27  修订日期:2019-12-09
中文关键词:  水药一体化  玉米茎腐病  杀菌剂  防效  产量要素
英文关键词:chemigation  maize stalk rot  fungicide  control efficacy  production element
基金项目:农业农村部旱作节水农业重点实验室基金(2017KLDA01); 国家科技支撑计划(2014BAD12B04); 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201503105, 201903119); 辽宁省中央引导地方科技发展专项(2019JH6/10100004); “兴辽英才计划”(XLYC1807056, XLYC1907089, XLYC1908013); 辽宁“百千万人才工程”(2018921005)
李 颖1, 2, 王耀生1, 3, 杨 宁1, 2*, 冯良山2, 邹晓锦4, 龚道枝1, 3, 张 哲2, 赵凤艳2 1. 农业农村部旱作节水农业重点实验室, 北京 100081
2. 辽宁省农业科学院耕作栽培研究所, 辽宁省旱作节水专业技术创新中心, 沈阳 110161
3. 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所, 北京 100081
4. 辽宁省农业科学院环境资源与农村能源研究所, 沈阳 110161 
摘要点击次数: 379
全文下载次数: 371
      在辽西风沙半干旱地区, 开展了人工接种茎腐病病原菌条件下覆膜滴灌施用多菌灵和戊唑醇防治玉米茎腐病效果研究?结果表明:滴灌施用50%多菌灵WP和25%戊唑醇WP对玉米茎腐病防治效果均在54%以上, 两年平均防效最高的是25%戊唑醇可湿性粉剂140 g/667 m2滴灌处理, 达到72.60%, 平均产量为948.94 kg/667 m2, 与接种不施药处理相比显著增产59.92%, 50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂60?120 g/667 m2滴灌处理防效分别为54.79%和67.99%, 平均产量分别为755.24?810.43 kg/667 m2; 不同药剂处理间玉米穗长?百粒重差异显著; 每667 m2滴灌施用多菌灵可增加收入218.68元/年?滴灌施用戊唑醇和多菌灵可有效防治玉米茎腐病, 显著提高产量和效益?
      Effects of fungicides carbendazol and tebuconazole on the control efficiency of maize stalk rot and maize yield were investigated by field experiment of chemigation under plastic film in the sandstorm semi-arid area of western Liaoning province. The results showed that the control efficacy of stem base rot was above 54%. The control efficacy of tebuconazole 25% WP at 140 g/667 m2 of chemigation was up to 72.60%, and the average yield reached to 948.94 kg/667 m2, with the yield increase rate of 59.92% significantly higher than that of inoculation without treatment. The control efficacies and the average yields of carbendazim 50% WP at 60 g/667 m2 and 120 g/667 m2 of chemigation were 54.79% and 67.99%, 755.24 kg/667 m2 and 810.43 kg/667 m2, respectively. The ear length, ear diameter and 100-kernel weight of maize were significantly different among the different fungicides treatments. Chemigation with carbendazim can increase the income and benefit by ¥218.68 per 667 m2 each year. Chemigation with tebuconazole and carbendazim can effectively control maize stalk rot and significantly increase the maize yield and production efficiency.
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