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孙新荣1#, 仲彩萍1#, 张西梅2, 陈爱昌3*, 胡小平4, 孙卫冬5, 漆文选1.甘肃定西地区党参根腐病病原鉴定与防治研究[J].植物保护,2020,46(5):290-297.
Identification and control of the root rot pathogen of Codonopsis pilosula in Dingxi of Gansu province
DOI:DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2019351
中文关键词:  党参  根腐病  病原鉴定  药剂防治
英文关键词:Codonopsis pilosula  root rot  pathogen identification  chemical control
基金项目:甘肃省科技计划(19CX2NJ003,18CX3ZJ033); 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程(2016-I2M-1-012)
孙新荣1#, 仲彩萍1#, 张西梅2, 陈爱昌3*, 胡小平4, 孙卫冬5, 漆文选1 1. 甘肃省定西市渭源县农业技术推广中心, 定西 748200
2. 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院药用植物研究所, 北京 100193
3. 甘肃省定西市植保植检站, 定西 743000
4. 西北农林科技大学植物保护学院, 杨凌 712100
5. 先正达(中国)投资有限公司, 上海 200120 
摘要点击次数: 496
全文下载次数: 506
      自2013年起, 甘肃定西地区种植的党参出现了严重的死苗、烂根现象, 为明确该病害的病原菌并确定适宜的防治药剂, 在多年种植党参的田块进行调查、采样和防治试验研究。根据大田调查结果和发病症状分析, 发现该病害可分为急性青枯型和慢性黄腐型; 采用常规组织分离法对病原菌进行了分离和纯化, 依据柯赫氏法则进行致病性确认, 并通过形态学和分子生物学方法对病原菌进行了鉴定。结果表明:引起党参急性青枯型根腐病的病原菌为尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum; 慢性黄腐型根腐病的病原菌为锐顶镰刀菌Fusarium acuminatum。室内药剂毒力测定表明, 25 g/L咯菌腈悬浮种衣剂、6.25%精甲·咯菌腈悬浮种衣剂、18%噻灵·咯·精甲悬浮种衣剂对两种病原的抑制效果均较好, EC50均低于1.0 mg/L; 大田防治试验表明, 18%噻灵·咯·精甲悬浮种衣剂200倍液、300倍液、600倍液对根腐病防效分别为81.78%、70.22%、64.03%。
      In 2013-2017, Codonopsis pilosula plants with wilting, dying and root rot symptoms were observed in commercial fields in Dingxi district, Gansu province. Field investigation of the disease was carried out in the fields planted with codonopsis pilosula for many years, and the root rot disease could be divided into acute green withered rot and chronic yellow rot based on symptom analysis and diagnosis. To identify the pathogens, symptomatic root samples were collected from diseased fields in this study. Fungi isolated and purified from tissue pieces of disease lesions were identified by morphological characterization and molecular approaches. Pathogenicity test was confirmed by Koch’s postulates. The results showed that the causal agents of acute green withered rot and chronic yellow rot were Fusarium oxysporum and F.acuminatum, respectively. Toxicity test of fungicides to the two pathogens were carried out in the laboratory using mycelium growth rate method. Among the seven fungicides tested, fludioxonil 25 g/L FSC, metalaxyl-M·fludioxonil 6.25% FSC and thiabendazole·fludioxonil·metalaxyl-M 18% FSC could effectively inhibit the growth of F.oxysporum and F.acuminatum, with all EC50 values less than 1.0 mg/L. Field trials demonstrated that the control and prevention efficacy of thiabendazole·fludioxonil·metalaxyl-M 18% FSC (200×, 300×and 600×) was 81.78%, 70.22% and 64.03%, respectively.
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