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毛连纲1, 徐冬梅1, 袁善奎2, 李富根2, 张 兰1, 张燕宁1, 蒋红云1*.基于推荐用量分析我国新烟碱类杀虫剂的登记现状[J].植物保护,2020,46(5):200-210.
Analysis on the status of neonicotinoids insecticides registered in China based on the recommended dosage
DOI:DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2019297
中文关键词:  新烟碱类杀虫剂  农药最低有效剂量  剂型  作物  防治靶标
英文关键词:neonicotinoids insecticide  the minimum effective dose of pesticide  formulation  crop  control target
毛连纲1, 徐冬梅1, 袁善奎2, 李富根2, 张 兰1, 张燕宁1, 蒋红云1* 1. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 北京 100193
2. 农业农村部农药检定所, 北京 100125 
摘要点击次数: 644
全文下载次数: 1027
      本文对目前中国农药信息网上公布登记的吡虫啉、烯啶虫胺、啶虫脒、噻虫啉、噻虫嗪、噻虫胺、呋虫胺、氯噻啉、哌虫啶、环氧虫啶等10种新烟碱类杀虫剂的信息进行了查询, 分别从登记剂型、作物、防治靶标等方面对这10种杀虫剂的登记推荐有效成分用量情况进行了统计分析, 最后, 挑选用量范围最大的3种有效成分, 5种作物, 5种靶标进行组合, 并对可能的18种组合进行了数据分析。结果发现:1)在防治草坪-蛴螬和甘蔗-蔗螟上, 吡虫啉的有效成分用量要明显高于噻虫嗪和噻虫胺两种药剂, 最高分别为2 100.00和1 500.00 g/hm2; 2)在防治韭菜-韭蛆上, 噻虫嗪的有效成分用量要明显高于吡虫啉和噻虫胺, 最高为1 732.50 g/hm2; 3)在防治小麦-蚜虫方面, 吡虫啉的推荐有效成分用量范围最大(相差120倍), 且偏高数值点最多; 4)在防治水稻-飞虱上, 同样是吡虫啉的偏高数值点最多。为减少农药施用, 建议在病虫防治时推荐应用有效成分用量较低的农药类型(包括推荐有效成分用量更低的农药剂型和生物活性更高的农药有效成分)。未来农药登记用量将在农药最低有效剂量研究的基础上, 针对不同药剂在不同作物的特定防治靶标提出更加科学、合理的推荐用量, 为我国农药的合理减施提供科学依据。
      For the reference at China Pesticide Registration Information Website of imidacloprid, nitenpyram, acetamiprid, thiacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, dinotefuran, imidaclothiz, paichongding, cycloxaprid, the recommended active ingredients dosage of ten neonicotinoids pesticides currently registered in China were analyzed from formulations, crops and targets, respectively. Furthermore, three active ingredients, five crops and five targets with the largest dosage range were selected for combination, and the data analysis was conducted on eighteen possible combinations. The results showed that for lawn-grubs and sugarcane-sugarcane borer control, the active ingredients dosage of imidacloprid was significantly higher than that of thiamethoxam and thiamethoxam, and the maximum dosage was 2 100.00 and 1 500.00 g/hm2 respectively. For leek-leek maggots control, the active ingredients dosage of thiamethoxam was significantly higher than that of imidacloprid and clothianidin, and the maximum dosage was 1 732.50 g/hm2. For wheat-aphids control, the recommended active ingredients dosage range of imidacloprid was determined to be the largest (with a difference of 120 times), with the overwhelming number of slightly higher data points. For rice-planthopper control, the overwhelming number of imidacloprid data points was also detected. In order to reduce pesticides application, it is suggested that pesticides with lower dosage of active ingredients should be recommended for pest control (including pesticide formulations with lower recommended active ingredients dosage and pesticide active ingredients with higher biological activity). In the future, based on the study of the minimum effective dosage of pesticides, more scientific and reasonable recommended dosage of different pesticides for specific control targets on different crops will be put forward, so as to provide scientific basis for the reasonable reduction of pesticide application in China.
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