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崔亚琴1, 2, 郭思维3, 葛雪贞4, 张琳婧5, 刘随存1, 2*.气候变化条件下悬铃木方翅网蝽在中国的适生性分析[J].植物保护,2019,45(5):171-177.
Prediction of potential geographical distributions of Corythucha ciliata(Hemiptera: Tingidae) in China under climate change condition
投稿时间:2019-01-18  修订日期:2019-02-26
DOI:DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2019034
中文关键词:  悬铃木方翅网蝽  CLIMEX  GIS  气候变化  适生区
英文关键词:Corythucha ciliata  CLIMEX  GIS  climate change  potential distribution
基金项目:山西省林业科技创新项目(LYCX201925); 山西太原城市生态系统国家定位观测研究站
崔亚琴1, 2, 郭思维3, 葛雪贞4, 张琳婧5, 刘随存1, 2* 1. 山西省林业科学研究院, 太原 030012
2. 中国林业科学研究院华北林业研究所, 太原 030012
3. 北京林业大学, 北京 100083
4. Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, Canada N1G 2W1
5. 浙江大学, 杭州 310058 
摘要点击次数: 570
全文下载次数: 727
      悬铃木方翅网蝽Corythucha ciliata是2002年入侵我国的有害生物, 严重为害悬铃木等园林植物。本文利用CLIMEX和GIS软件, 并结合悬铃木方翅网蝽已知的地理分布和生物学数据, 对其在当前(1981年-2010年)及未来(2011年-2040年、2041年-2070年和2071年-2100年)气候条件下中国的适生区进行预测。结果表明:当前气候条件下, 悬铃木方翅网蝽在我国适生范围较广, 适生区占我国内陆总面积的61.27%, 主要集中在我国东半部地区, 其中高度适生区主要集中在华南、华中大部、华东大部及西南局部地区; 未来气候变暖情境下, 悬铃木方翅网蝽的适生区呈现向东北方向扩展的趋势, 总适生范围不断增大, 且适生程度增加。研究结果为有效控制悬铃木方翅网蝽提供了科学参考依据, 对于现已发生和预测出的潜在适生分布区, 要加强检疫, 防止其进一步扩散传播。
      The sycamore lace bug (Corythucha ciliata) is a dangerous pest which invaded in 2002 and has caused serious harm to Platanus spp. and other landscape plants. Based on biological characteristics, geographic distribution records of C.ciliata and biological climate data, the potential distributions of C.ciliata in China under current (1981-2010) and future (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100) climate warming scenarios were predicted by using CLIMEX and GIS. The results indicated that C.ciliata had a wide range of suitable habitats in China under current climatic conditions, accounting for 61.27 percent of national regions. The suitable area for C.ciliata was mainly concentrated in the eastern China, and the highly suitable regions were mainly concentrated in most of south China, central China, east China and a small part of southwest China. In future climate warming scenarios, the potential suitable region and degree of C.ciliata increased in comparison with the current climatic conditions, and its suitable area showed a trend toward northeast China. The research results provide a scientific reference for effective control of expanding C.ciliata populations. Therefore, quarantine measures should be strengthened for the potential suitable distribution areas that have been or predicted to be; meanwhile, more attentions should be paid to the control of C.ciliata in order to prevent its further spread and damages.
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