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崔一平1, 彭埃天1*, 李子力1, 凌金峰1, 宋晓兵1, 郭泽成2, 陈 霞1, 程保平1, 殷 瑜1.海南省柑橘主产区黄龙病和病毒病的发生危害情况调研初报[J].植物保护,2019,45(4):236-242.
Survey on HLB and virus disease in main citrus productionarea in Hainan province
投稿时间:2018-08-16  修订日期:2018-11-13
DOI:DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2018359
中文关键词:  柑橘黄龙病  柑橘病毒病  海南省  柑橘
英文关键词:Huanglongbing  virus disease  Hainan province  citrus
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0202000); 广东省科技计划公益研究与建设项目(2014B020203003); 广东省现代农业产业技术体系建设项目(2017LM1077); 广东省现代农业柑橘黄龙病检测与综合防控产业技术研发中心建设项目(粤农[2017]68号)
崔一平1, 彭埃天1*, 李子力1, 凌金峰1, 宋晓兵1, 郭泽成2, 陈 霞1, 程保平1, 殷 瑜1 1. 广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 广东省植物保护新技术重点实验室, 广州 510640
2. 海南省海口市农业技术推广中心, 海口 570206 
摘要点击次数: 638
全文下载次数: 747
      柑橘是我国南方重要的水果之一, 柑橘黄龙病和柑橘病毒病已经对我国柑橘的安全生产造成了严重威胁。为了解柑橘黄龙病和病毒病对海南柑橘产业的危害情况, 本研究通过荧光定量PCR(Quantitative PCR)和反转录PCR(RT-PCR)分别对随机采集自海南柑橘主产区澄迈县3个福橙种植园和琼中县4个绿橙种植园共计109个样品进行了柑橘黄龙病和柑橘5种主要病毒病的检测。结果表明: 澄迈县福橙标准化种植示范基地和琼中县营根镇绿橙种植园2个新植橘园的柑橘黄龙病发病较轻, 检出率仅为8%和11%, 而其他5个橘园的柑橘黄龙病检出率均在75%以上, 严重的达100%。除此之外, 7个橘园均未检测到柑橘褪绿矮缩病毒; 澄迈县和琼中县的衰退病毒病检出率分别在52.9%和77.8%以上, 黄脉病毒病在83.3%和90%以上。澄迈县还检测到碎叶病毒病的存在, 检出率在38.1%以上, 除红湖农场外还存在裂皮病毒病, 检出率在11.8%以上。琼中县的绿橙种植园3还存在裂皮病毒病, 检出率为43.8%。综上所述, 柑橘黄龙病和病毒病已经严重威胁到海南省福橙和绿橙主产区的柑橘生产安全。加强对海南柑橘苗木安全生产的同时, 亟需采取有效的田间综合防控措施, 以促进海南柑橘产业的健康发展。
      Citrus is an important fruit in south China, but its production has been seriously threatened by Huanglongbing (HLB) and several virus diseases in recent years. To reveal the influence of citrus diseases on citrus industry in Hainan province, a total of 109 samples collected from three Citrus reticulata var. ‘Fuju’ orchards in Chengmai county and four Citrus sinensis var. ‘Lvcheng’ orchards in Qiongzhong county were subjected to detection of HLB and virus pathogens using Quantitative PCR and RT-PCR. The results showed that among the seven analyzed orchards, the two new orchards (1/2-year-old) were only slightly affected by HLB, with an incidence of 8% and 11%, respectively, while in the rest five relatively old orchards 75% to 100% trees were affected by HLB. Among the analyzed virus diseases, the pathogen of Citrus chlorotic dwarf associated virus (CCDaV) was not detected. In Chengmai orchards, Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), Citrus tatter leaf virus (CTLV) and Citrus yellow vein clearing virus (CYVCV) were all detected, with an average incidence of 52.9%, 38.1% and 83.3%, respectively. Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) was also detected in two of the three ‘Fuju’ orchards, with an incidence of 11.8% and 71.4%, respectively. In the four ‘Lvcheng’ orchards in Qiongzhong, CTV and CYVCV were both detected, affecting more than 77.8% and 90% plants, respectively. CEVd was only detected in one ‘Lvcheng’ orchard (43.8% detection rate). According to our investigation, both HLB and several virus diseases have been pervasive in Hainan province and become a great threat to the citrus production. To promote the healthy development of citrus industry in Hainan, besides guaranteeing the use of pathogen-free citrus seedlings, combined strategies to prevent the spread of citrus diseases in the field are urgently required.
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