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张 磊1#, 柳 贝2#, 姜玉英3, 刘 杰3, 吴孔明2, 萧玉涛1*.中国不同地区草地贪夜蛾种群生物型分子特征分析[J].植物保护,2019,45(4):20-27.
Molecular characterization analysis of fall armyworm populations in China
投稿时间:2019-06-15  修订日期:2019-06-16
DOI:DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2019296
中文关键词:  草地贪夜蛾  群体演化  水稻型  玉米型  杂交
英文关键词:Spodoptera frugiperda  population evolution  rice-strain  corn-strain  interstrain
基金项目:转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2016ZX08012-004); 大鹏新区产业发展专项资金(KY20180216)
张 磊1#, 柳 贝2#, 姜玉英3, 刘 杰3, 吴孔明2, 萧玉涛1* 1. 中国农业科学院深圳农业基因组研究所, 深圳 518120
2. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室, 北京 100193
3. 全国农业技术推广服务中心, 北京 100125 
摘要点击次数: 919
全文下载次数: 915
      原产于美洲的草地贪夜蛾已入侵我国, 对我国粮食生产安全构成重大威胁。在美洲, 该虫的寄主类型、迁飞行为以及抗药性等方面因群体分化而存在较大差异。本研究利用2个分子标记对中国13省(市、自治区)131个县市的318份样品进行群体遗传特征比较, 基于线粒体COⅠ基因分析结果显示96%以上为“水稻型”, “玉米型”比例不到4%, 且中国样品COⅠ序列特征与美国佛罗里达州种群有很高的一致性, 而基于核基因组Tpi基因分析结果表明所有样品单倍型特点均表现为“玉米型”。分析认为, 入侵我国的草地贪夜蛾群体很可能来自一个“水稻型”母本和“玉米型”父本杂交群体的后代, 在长期的演化扩散过程中, “玉米型”的核基因组占据了主导地位, 从而成为一种特殊的“玉米型”。厘清入侵中国的草地贪夜蛾具体的遗传特征属性, 对于风险评估、精准监测和科学防控具有重要指导意义。
      The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), native to America, has invaded China and posed a major threat to food production security. Several characteristics of fall armyworm such as host range, migration capability, resistance to pesticides and genetically modified crops are varied depending on regional population differentiation. In this study, the genetic characteristics of 318 populations sampled from 131 counties and cities of 13 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) of China were analyzed using two molecular markers. The results of mitochondrial COⅠ-gene analysis showed that more than 96% of the samples were rice-strain and less than 4% were corn-strain. Moreover, there is a strong consistency in COⅠ-sequence between the Chinese samples and those from Florida, USA. The results of nuclear genomic Tpi gene analysis revealed that the haplotype characteristics of all samples were corn-strain. It is speculated that the population of fall armyworm invaded China may come from the offspring of a hybrid population of rice-strain female and corn-strain male. In the long-term evolution and spreading process, the nuclear genome of corn-strain became dominant, thus formed a special “corn-strain”. Determination of genetic characteristics of fall armyworm invaded China could have important guiding significance for risk assessment, precise monitoring and scientific prevention and control of this pest.
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