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董云浩1, 雷喜红2, 李云龙3, Muhammad Dilshad Hussain1, 周 莹4, 竺晓平5*, 周 涛1*.警惕种子传带的南方番茄病毒Southern tomatovirus对我国番茄产业的危害[J].植物保护,2019,45(3):254-256.
警惕种子传带的南方番茄病毒Southern tomatovirus对我国番茄产业的危害
Alarming the damage of seed borne Southern tomatovirus to tomato industry in China
投稿时间:2018-10-01  修订日期:2018-10-31
中文关键词:  南方番茄病毒  复合侵染  种子传播  防治措施  种子检测
英文关键词:Southern tomato virus  co infection  seed borne  control measures  detection of seed
基金项目:北京市果类蔬菜产业创新团队(BAIC01 2018); 北京市农业局项目(PXM2018 036204 000052); 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2017CM058)
董云浩1, 雷喜红2, 李云龙3, Muhammad Dilshad Hussain1, 周 莹4, 竺晓平5*, 周 涛1* 1. 中国农业大学植物病理学系, 农业部作物有害生物监测与绿色防控重点实验室, 北京 100193
2. 北京市农业技术推广站, 北京 100029
3. 北京市植物保护站, 北京 100029
4. 北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所, 北京 100097
5. 山东农业大学植物保护学院, 泰安 271018 
摘要点击次数: 867
全文下载次数: 433
      南方番茄病毒Southern tomato virus (STV)是近年来新发现的一种侵染番茄的病毒, 通常与多种病毒复合侵染, 可能与番茄的褪绿、黄化、衰退、果实变小等症状相关。该病毒最早在1984年发现, 并于2005年命名。我国首先于2015年在山东寿光发现。最近, 我们在山东和北京市多地的番茄样品中均检测到了该病毒, 并通过检测发现国内一些主要品种番茄种子的STV携带率达40%。STV基因组为一条双链RNA, 隶属Amalgaviridae科Amalgavirus属, 是严格种传病毒, 不能通过汁液摩擦接种和嫁接传播。鉴于STV的潜在危害以及与其他病毒高度复合侵染造成的严重损失, 本文介绍了STV检测方法, 并提出应开展对主栽品种的种子检测和针对性防控。
      Southern tomato virus (STV) is a recently identified virus infecting tomato, which normally occurs together with a variety of viruses, and may cause chlorosis, yellowing, decline and small fruit. STV was discovered in 1984 and was named in 2005. In China, STV was firstly reported in Shouguang, Shandong province in 2015. We detected STV in tomato samples of Shandong and Beijing, and our work showed that the incidence of STV in seeds of main cultivars reached 40%. Being a member of Amalgavirus in Amalgaviridae, the STV genome is a double stranded RNA. As a rigorous seed borne virus, STV cannot be transmitted by mechanical inoculation or grafting. In view of its potential damages and the severe losses induced by high degree of complex infection with other viruses, we introduced the detection method for STV, and recommended that seeds detection and targeted control measures should be carried out.
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