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王奥霖, 谭兆岩, 王对平, 陈华保, 雍太文, 龚国淑, 杨文钰, 常小丽*.20%烯·戊·恶种衣剂研制及对大豆镰孢根腐病的防效[J].植物保护,2019,45(3):230-236.
Formulation of uniconazole·tebuconazole·hymexazol 20% FSC andcontrol efficacy on Fusarium root rot of soybean
投稿时间:2018-05-30  修订日期:2018-06-12
中文关键词:  大豆根腐病  镰孢菌  复配  种衣剂  毒力测定
英文关键词:soybean root rot  Fusarium  mixture compound  seed coating agent  toxicity test
基金项目:四川省科技厅项目(2015NZ0040); 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0201006)
王奥霖, 谭兆岩, 王对平, 陈华保, 雍太文, 龚国淑, 杨文钰, 常小丽* 四川农业大学农学院, 四川省作物带状复合种植工程技术研究中心, 成都 611130 
摘要点击次数: 542
全文下载次数: 506
      为研制一种防治大豆镰孢根腐病的高效、低毒种衣剂, 采用菌丝生长速率法测定了96%烯效唑(uniconazole)原药、97%戊唑醇(tebuconazole)原药、98%恶霉灵(hymexazol)原药对引起大豆根腐病的禾谷镰孢、尖镰孢和腐皮镰孢的毒力, 筛选最佳复配配比。利用湿研磨法制备种衣剂, 并进行室内盆栽苗验证。结果表明:烯效唑、戊唑醇和恶霉灵的配比为3∶1∶16时, 对供试3种镰孢菌均表现为增效作用。室内盆栽苗验证试验结果表明, 播种前, 采用20%烯·戊·恶悬浮种衣剂1.0~2.0 g/kg处理大豆种子对大豆发芽和出苗没有显著影响, 并可降低株高, 且各浓度处理对大豆尖镰孢和腐皮镰孢根腐病的相对防效均达83.3%以上, 对尖镰孢根腐的防效高于5%戊唑醇悬浮种衣剂, 对腐皮镰孢和禾谷镰孢根腐病与5%戊唑醇悬浮种衣剂防效相当。本研究开发的20%烯·戊·恶悬浮种衣剂为进一步开展大豆根腐病田间化学防治及推广应用奠定了基础。
      In order to screen one seed coating agent with high efficacy and low toxicity for controlling Fusarium root rot of soybean, the virulence of uniconazole 96% TC, tebuconazole 97% TC, hymexazol 98% TC, and the mixture compounds on F.graminearum, F.oxysporum and F.solani causing soybean root rot were tested using the method of hyphal growth rate. The optimal proportion of the mixture of uniconazole, tebuconazole, hymexazol was screened out. Furthermore, the seed coating agent was prepared, and the control efficacy was determined by soybean seedling inoculation in laboratory. The results showed the synergistic effect of the mixture of uniconazole, tebuconazole, and hymexazol at the proportion of 3∶1∶16 was the best for all three Fusarium species. After treatment with 1.0-2.0 g/kg of uniconazole·tebuconazole·hymexazol 20% FSC, germination rate and emergency of soybean were not affected, while plant height decreased, and the control efficacy on root rot infected by F.oxysporum and F.solani reached 83.3%, which was better than that of the commercial tebuconazole 5% FSC. There was no significant difference between the two seed coating agents on root rot infected by F.graminearum. This study provides a valuable information for field application of uniconazole·tebuconazole·hymexazol 20% FSC and for effective control of Fusarium root rot of soybean.
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