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付 丽1, 范 昆1*, 金 岩2, 张国福2, 曲健禄1, 吴亚玉2*.贮藏期蒜薹表面真菌群落组成分析[J].植物保护,2019,45(3):83-87.
Analysis of fungal community composition on the surface ofgarlic bolts during storage
投稿时间:2018-05-21  修订日期:2018-07-17
中文关键词:  贮藏蒜薹  真菌  扩增子测序  ITS  多样性分析
英文关键词:garlic bolt  fungus  amplicon sequencing  ITS  diversity analysis
基金项目:山东省2017年小作物联合试验(sdica-2017-07-1); 国家自然科学基金(31501665)
付 丽1, 范 昆1*, 金 岩2, 张国福2, 曲健禄1, 吴亚玉2* 1. 山东省果树研究所, 泰安 271000
2. 山东省农药检定所, 济南 250100 
摘要点击次数: 573
全文下载次数: 525
      蒜薹作为一种传统常年供应的蔬菜深受喜爱, 由于贮存时间长, 贮存过程中会有多种真菌产生, 导致蒜薹失去经济价值。本文通过提取贮藏期蒜薹表面真菌的基因组DNA, 经Illumina平台对7个样本的ITS扩增子进行测序, 共获得2 418 016条raw reads, 51个OTUs。通过OTU物种注释和物种丰度聚类, 优势真菌属组成为:青霉菌属Penicillium 81.08%, 未知子囊菌15.13%, 耐冷酵母Mrakia 1.74%, 小球壳属Mycosphaerella 1.02%。青霉菌是贮藏蒜薹后期表面的主要真菌。
      Garlic bolt is a kind of traditional vegetable in China. Due to long storage, the rot associated with fungi makes garlic bolts lose their economic value. In this study, the genomic DNA of seven samples of garlic bolts from cold storage was extracted, and the ITS region was amplified and sequenced on Illumina Miseq platform. A total of 2 418 016 raw reads and 51 OTUs were obtained. Through the OTU species annotation and species abundance clustering, the dominant fungal groups were Penicillium (81.08%), unassigned ascomycete fungi (15.13%), Mrakia (1.74%) and Mycosphaerella (1.02%). It indicated that Penicillium was the major fungal group on the garlic bolts during the later stage of garlic bolt storage.
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