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郭 栋, 张 蕾, 程云霞, 江幸福*, 罗礼智.绿僵菌侵染对黏虫免疫反应的影响[J].植物保护,2019,45(2):97-102.
Influences of Metarhizium anisopliae infection on the immune response of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata (Walker)
投稿时间:2017-04-09  修订日期:2017-06-08
中文关键词:  黏虫  金龟子绿僵菌  免疫反应
英文关键词:Mythimna separata  Metarhizium anisopliae  immune response
基金项目:国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201403031, 201303057); 国家国际科技合作专项(2014DFR31250); 国家自然科学基金(31672019,31371947,31301656); 北京市自然科学基金(6142017)
郭 栋, 张 蕾, 程云霞, 江幸福*, 罗礼智 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室, 北京 100193 
摘要点击次数: 691
全文下载次数: 514
      为揭示黏虫被病原菌侵染后的免疫应答机制, 本试验分析比较了黏虫幼虫被金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae侵染后不同时间其血淋巴蛋白含量、免疫关键酶系(酚氧化酶PO, 溶菌酶)活性、抗菌活力以及血细胞数量等免疫相关指标的变化。结果表明:受绿僵菌侵染后, 黏虫6龄幼虫血淋巴蛋白含量在侵染初期(6 h和24 h)显著高于对照, 侵染48、72和96 h后幼虫血淋巴蛋白质含量显著低于对照。且侵染后幼虫血淋巴PO活性也呈现先升高后降低的趋势, 侵染初期(6 h和24 h)显著高于对照, 侵染后期除72 h外与对照组无显著差异。侵染初期(24 h)溶菌酶活性也显著升高, 随后出现下降, 并于48 h显著低于对照, 但在化蛹时(96 h)再次上升。绿僵菌侵染后期, 黏虫的抗菌活性下降, 于侵染后72 h抗菌活性显著低于对照, 而侵染初期抗菌活性与对照无显著差异。另外, 绿僵菌侵染对幼虫血细胞数量以及浆血胞比率也有显著的影响, 表现为:侵染后6 h和24 h血细胞总数、浆血胞比率均显著高于对照, 随后与对照并无显著差异。综上, 绿僵菌侵染黏虫幼虫初期会显著诱导其免疫反应的启动, 体现在主要免疫指标升高, 而后随着免疫系统的破坏与能量的消耗, 其免疫反应能力降低, 生理活动受到干扰。
      In order to reveal the immune response mechanism of Mythimna separata (Walker), the changes of hemolymph protein content, PO activity, lysozyme activity, antimicrobial activity and the number of blood cells in melanic larvae of Mythimna separata infected by Metarhizium anisopliae were studied. The results showed that the hemolymph protein content of larvae was significantly higher than that of the control at 6 h and 24 h after infection, but with the extension of time, the protein content in infected larvae was significantly lower than that in the control in 48 h, 72 h and 96 h. The PO activity increased at first and decreased subsequently, significantly higher than the control in 6 h, 24 h, then no significant difference from the control group (except for 72 h).In the early stage of infection (24 h), lysozyme activity also increased significantly, but in 48 h, was significantly lower than the control, and at the time of pupation (96 h), lysozyme activity rose again.Although the antibacterial activity increased in the early stage of infection, but no significant difference was observed compared to the control; the antibacterial activity fell in the late stage, and significantly lower than the control in 72 h.The infection of Metarhizium anisopliae also had a significant effect on the number of hemocytes and the ratio of plasma cells in melanic larvae.In 6 h and 24 h after infection, the total blood cells and plasma cells were significantly higher than those of the control, but then the difference disappeared. These results suggested that Metarhizium anisopliae infection could significantly induce the larval immune response in the early stage, mainly reflected in the rise of major immune index. With the destruction of the immune system and energy consumption, the larval immune ability began to decrease and the physiological activities were disturbed.
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