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董丽英1, 赵秀兰2, 刘树芳1, 李迅东1, 杨勤忠1*.28%三环唑·嘧菌酯悬浮剂对水稻稻瘟病的防治效果[J].植物保护,2019,45(1):226-229.
Control effect of tricyclazole·azoxystrobin 28% SC on rice blast
投稿时间:2018-02-20  修订日期:2018-03-05
DOI:S 435.111.41
中文关键词:  水稻稻瘟病  28%三环唑·嘧菌酯SC  防治效果
英文关键词:rice blast  tricyclazole·azoxystrobin 28%SC  control effect
董丽英1, 赵秀兰2, 刘树芳1, 李迅东1, 杨勤忠1* 1. 云南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所, 昆明 650205
2. 云南省沧源佤族自治县植保植检站, 临沧 677400 
摘要点击次数: 630
全文下载次数: 883
      为科学合理地选择和使用田间控制稻瘟病的杀菌剂, 本研究通过室内苗期测定和大田试验, 评价复配剂28%三环唑·嘧菌酯SC对水稻稻瘟病的防治效果。结果表明, 28%三环唑·嘧菌酯SC对水稻苗瘟及穗瘟均有很好的预防和治疗效果。在温室人工控制条件下, 施药后接种的防效高于接种后施药的防效, 最高防效分别为97.35% 和92.70%。在田间对穗瘟的最高防效达到91.11%, 与对照药剂75%三环唑WP和250 g/L嘧菌酯SC的平均防效相当, 可以在生产上推广使用, 推荐有效成分用量为252~420 g/hm2。
      In order to screen and use the fungicides for controlling rice blast scientifically in the field, the control effect of tricyclazole·azoxystrobin 28% SC was evaluated for leaf blast in greenhouse, and for panicle blast in field, respectively. Under the artificially controlling condition in greenhouse, control effect of tricyclazole·azoxystrobin 28% SC using before inoculation of Magnaporthe oryzae to leaf blast was higher compared with that one using after inoculation, the highest control effect to leaf blast were 97.35% and 92.70%, respectively. Control effect of tricyclazole·azoxystrobin 28% SC to panicle blast in the field reached 91.11%, which is similar to both control fungicides tricyclazole 75% WP and azoxystrobin 250 g/L SC. These results indicated that tricyclazole·azoxystrobin 28% SC could be a promising fungicide for rice blast control, and the recommended dosage should be 252-420 g/hm2.
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