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李秋荣1, 李富刚2, 魏有海1, 朱海霞1, 来有鹏1, 侯 璐1, 郭青云1*.青海高原干旱地区藜麦害虫与天敌名录及5种害虫记述[J].植物保护,2019,45(1):190-198.
Checklist of insect pests, their enemies and description of five species ofpests in Chenopodium quinoa Willd. in arid area of Qinghai Plateau
投稿时间:2018-04-12  修订日期:2018-04-24
DOI:S 43
中文关键词:  藜麦  干旱地区  害虫  天敌  名录
英文关键词:Chenopodium quinoa  arid area  insect pest  natural enemy  checklist
基金项目:青海省农牧厅项目(NWIPB2015169); 青海省农林科学院创新基金(2016-NKY-03)
李秋荣1, 李富刚2, 魏有海1, 朱海霞1, 来有鹏1, 侯 璐1, 郭青云1* 1. 青海省农林科学院, 青海大学省部共建三江源生态与高原农牧业国家重点实验室, 农业部西宁作物有害生物科学观测实验站, 青海省农业有害生物综合治理重点实验室, 西宁 810016
2.青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州气象局, 德令哈 817000 
摘要点击次数: 553
全文下载次数: 775
      为了明确青海高原干旱地区最近几年引种的藜麦Chenopodium quinoa Willd.上的害虫种类、发生规律、为害程度以及天敌资源种类, 2014年—2017年我们对本地区藜麦田内的害虫及其天敌进行了系统的调查统计, 分别将它们整理成害虫、天敌名录。截至目前, 发现为害藜麦的昆虫36种, 分属于5目15科, 并未发现检疫性害虫, 在藜麦田调查到天敌21种, 分属于2纲7目12科, 其中昆虫纲18种, 蛛形纲3种。本文弄清了藜麦上的主要及次要害虫种类, 研究了它们的为害特点及发生规律, 明确了萹蓄齿胫叶甲Gastrophysa polygoni Linnaeus、黄曲条跳甲Phyllotreta vittuta Fabricius、横纹菜蝽Eurydema gebleri Kolenati、菠菜潜叶蝇Pegomya exilis Meigen及宽胫夜蛾Melicleptria scutosa Schiffermüller等害虫的生物学特性与为害规律, 分析了它们的可能重要来源途径。鉴于本地区高寒、高海拔、盐碱、干旱的特殊生境, 结合生产实际提出了针对藜麦害虫的绿色安全防控措施。
      In order to clear and definite the species, occurrence regularity, harm degree of the pests and species resource of natural enemies of pests on Chenopodium quinoa Willd. which were introduced into the arid area of Qinghai plateau in recent years, we systematically investigated the pest insects and their enemies in the fields from 2014 to 2017. All species of insect pests and their enemies were compiled into a checklist. Up to now, there were 36 species of insect pests in the region belonging to 15 families in 5 orders, and quarantine pests have not yet been found. Twenty-one enemies were collected, belonging to 2 class of Arthropod, 12 families in 7 orders. Among them, there were 18 species in Insecta, and 3 species in Arachnida. The species of the main and secondary insect pests were figured out, and the occurrence regularity was investigated. Characteristics, harming pattern and the important possible sources of these main pests were analyzed. In view of the special habitat conditions of high-cold, high altitude, salinity and drought, and combined with the actual production in the region, the green and safe strategies of prevention and control for the pests of quinoa were also put forward.
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