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杨 娟1, 2, 于海燕2, 李香菊2*, 董金皋1*.不同地理种群鸭跖草Commelina communis L.对莠去津的耐受性[J].植物保护,2019,45(1):174-180.
不同地理种群鸭跖草Commelina communis L.对莠去津的耐受性
Tolerance of different geographical populations of Commelinacommunis L. to atrazine
投稿时间:2018-03-09  修订日期:2018-04-10
DOI:S 482.42
中文关键词:  鸭跖草  莠去津  耐受性
英文关键词:Commelina communis  atrazine  tolerance
杨 娟1, 2, 于海燕2, 李香菊2*, 董金皋1* 1. 河北省植物生理与分子病理学重点实验室, 河北农业大学生命科学学院, 保定 071001
2. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 北京 100193 
摘要点击次数: 460
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      鸭跖草是我国常见杂草, 目前已成为农田难除杂草之一。生产实践中, 莠去津对玉米田鸭跖草的防效已有所降低。2016-2017年, 为了探讨鸭跖草不同地理种群对莠去津的耐受性, 采用莠去津单剂量甄别方法, 从黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、河北、江苏、浙江、湖北和贵州8个省份采集46个鸭跖草种群, 进行了其对莠去津的耐受性初筛试验。在此基础上, 选择7个不同地理来源的代表性种群, 研究其对莠去津的敏感性差异, 结果显示:种群JS-10、HB-3和HB-6对莠去津敏感, GR50分别为122.21、153.27 g/hm2和158.13 g/hm2; 种群JL-13、HLJ-2、JL-7和JL-1对莠去津耐受性相对较强, GR50分别为273.98、277.29、374.68 g/hm2和379.57 g/hm2。以上结果表明, 不同地理种群鸭跖草对莠去津的耐受水平存在差异, 从地理分布上呈由南向北耐受水平增加的趋势。各地理种群对莠去津的耐受性差异可能与不同地区莠去津的使用年限、使用剂量和使用频度相关。
      Commelina communis is a common weed that has become troublesome in farmland in China. It is observed in the field that atrazine failed to control C. communis in some regions. In order to investigate the tolerance of C. communis to atrazine, 46 populations were collected from 8 provinces, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guizhou, and the tolerance degree of C. communis populations was determined using whole-plant dose-response experiment. The results showed that the population JS-10, HB-3 and HB-6 were susceptible to atrazine with GR50 values of 122.21 g/hm2, 153.27 g/hm2 and 158.13 g/hm2, respectively, while the population JL-13, HLJ-2, JL-7 and JL-1 showed relative tolerance with GR50 values of 273.98 g/hm2, 277.29 g/hm2, 374.68 g/hm2 and 379.57 g/hm2, respectively. It indicated that the degree of atrazine tolerance varied among the populations of C. communis, and the populations from southern China were sensitive while those from northern China were relatively tolerant. The results might be related to the using history, dosage and the application frequency of atrazine in different regions of China.
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