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张金良 2, 杨建国 2, 岳 瑾 2, 郭自军 3, 袁志强 2, 魏国树 4, 梅 丽 5, 张 奥 4, 张桂芬 1*.藜麦田甜菜筒喙象生物学特性初步研究[J].植物保护,2018,44(4):162-166.
Biological characters of Lixus subtilis Boheman in quinoa field
投稿时间:2018-03-03  修订日期:2018-04-21
中文关键词:  甜菜筒喙象  藜麦  形态特征  产卵特性  杂草寄主
英文关键词:Lixus subtilis  quinoa  morphological character  oviposition characteristics  weed host
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2017YFC1200600); 中国农业科学院科技创新工程项目(caascx-2013-2018-IAS); “十三五”国家科技支撑计划(2015BAD08B03); 北京市农业科技项目(20170136)
张金良 2, 杨建国 2, 岳 瑾 2, 郭自军 3, 袁志强 2, 魏国树 4, 梅 丽 5, 张 奥 4, 张桂芬 1* 1. 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室, 农业部作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室, 北京 100193
2. 北京市植物保护站, 北京 100029
3. 北京市延庆区农业技术推广站, 北京 102100
4. 河北农业大学, 保定 071001
5. 北京市农业技术推广站, 北京 100029 
摘要点击次数: 601
全文下载次数: 920
      甜菜筒喙象是一种新发现的严重为害藜麦的害虫, 2016年首次在藜麦上大暴发, 导致当年北京地区藜麦损失惨重。本研究针对甜菜筒喙象杂草寄主范围广, 对藜麦为害严重却难以有效防控的问题, 采用种群生态学技术方法, 研究成虫产卵特性和杂草寄主在其种群发生中的作用。结果表明, 甜菜筒喙象成虫体色多变, 既有锈红色, 也有棕褐色和黑褐色。成虫夜伏昼出, 不喜阳光直射, 白天在生长茂密的植株中下部活动; 主要选择在茎秆直径>5 mm、处于营养生长盛期的寄主植株上产卵; 株高150 cm以上(现蕾盛期-初花期, 直径>20 mm)、生长健壮、茎秆比较坚硬的植株不利于成虫产卵。当藜麦尚未出苗或藜麦苗比较幼小(主干直径<5 mm)时, 成虫主要在早发的幼嫩多汁的藜科杂草上产卵; 6月上旬, 藜麦进入旺盛生长期, 成虫开始在藜麦上产卵, 产卵期约为1个月; 7月下旬, 藜麦进入初花期, 茎秆粗壮, 成虫主要在苋科杂草上产卵。此外, 甜菜筒喙象成虫更喜欢在营养生长旺盛时期的藜麦植株上产卵, 其单株产卵痕数量是藜科和苋科杂草的6.06倍和1.55倍; 适时铲除田边杂草, 有利于减轻藜麦田甜菜筒喙象的发生与为害。研究结果对甜菜筒喙象的有效防控, 保障我国藜麦产业的健康发展意义重大。
      Lixus subtilis Boheman is a new pest insect of quinoa, Chenopodium quinoa Willd, and has caused serious damage to quinoa in Beijing in 2016. Many species of weeds common in the field are host plants of this weevil, leading to difficulties to control the damages caused by it on the quinoa. In the present study, adult oviposition characters of L. subtilis as well as the role of the weeds were investigated by population ecology methods. The results indicated that the body color of L. subtilis adult was changeable, including rusty red, chocolate brown and black brown. The adult was active during the day time but avoid direct sunlight, and usually hid in the lower part of the plant. And the adult preferred laying eggs on host plants with stem diameter >5 mm being in the vegetative growth stage to host plants with height >150 cm (stem diameter >20 mm) being in the budding stage to flowering period and healthily-growing with stem stiffness. When just sowing or during the young seedlings period of quinoa (stem diameter<5 mm), the adult mainly laid eggs on tender-juicy weeds belonging to family Chenopodiaceae. In early June, the adult weevil laid eggs on quinoa in a vigorous growth period. About one month later, when the quinoa plant was in the early flowering period and healthily-growing with stem stiffness, the adult mainly laid eggs on weeds belonging to family Amaranthaceae. Furthermore, the adult of L. subtilis prefer laying eggs on quinoa in vigorous growth to laying eggs on weeds. The number of oviposition markers was 6.06- and 1.55-fold higher on quinoa than those on weeds belonging to families Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae, respectively. Eradicating weeds around the field of quinoa at the right moment could alleviate the damage caused by L. subtilis. Our present results should be benefit in management of this weevil pest and ensuring health development of quinoa industry in China.
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