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张仁福1, 2, 3, 王 伟1, 2, 3, 刘海洋1, 2, 3, 姚 举1, 2, 3, 4*.扁桃棉花间作对棉田牧草盲蝽发生与为害的影响[J].植物保护,2018,44(3):172-176.
Effects of the occurrence and damage of Lygus pratensis (Linnaeus) on cotton under almond-cotton interplanting
投稿时间:2017-08-25  修订日期:2017-09-29
中文关键词:  棉花  扁桃  间作  牧草盲蝽  发生与为害
英文关键词:cotton  almond  interplanting  Lygus pratensis  occurrence and damage
张仁福1, 2, 3, 王 伟1, 2, 3, 刘海洋1, 2, 3, 姚 举1, 2, 3, 4* 1. 新疆农业科学院植物保护研究所, 乌鲁木齐 830091
2. 农业部西北荒漠绿洲作物有害生物 综合治理重点实验室, 乌鲁木齐 830091
3. 农业部库尔勒作物有害生物综合治理野外科学实验站, 库尔勒 841000
4. 国家棉花工程技术研究中心, 乌鲁木齐 830091 
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      为明确扁桃棉花间作对棉田牧草盲蝽 Lygus pratensis (Linnaeus)发生及为害的影响, 2014-2015年采用目测法对单作棉田、扁桃棉花间作(东西)田、扁桃棉花间作(南北)田3种类型棉田牧草盲蝽发生与为害情况进行了调查。结果显示:3种类型棉田牧草盲蝽种群动态趋势基本一致且无显著性差异, 但均呈现显著的季节性变化; 对3种类型棉田牧草盲蝽不同虫态百株累计虫量而言, 单作棉田成虫、若虫和成若虫累计数量均显著高于2种间作类型的棉田, 单作棉田百株棉花棉铃被害率亦显著高于2种间作类型棉田。对2种类型的间作棉田, 扁桃棉花间作(东西)田牧草盲蝽各虫态的种群数量和棉铃被害率均低于扁桃棉花间作(南北)田, 其中2015年各虫态的种群数量达到显著性差异。研究表明相较于单作棉田, 扁桃棉花间作不利于棉田牧草盲蝽的发生与危害。
      To explore the effects of almond-cotton interplanting on occurrence and damage of Lygus pratensis on cotton, the population dynamics of L. pratensis in single cotton, almond-cotton interplanting (east-west) and almond-cotton interplanting (south-north) fields were investigated by field observation during 2014 and 2015 in this paper. The results indicated that population dynamics of L. pratensis in three types of fields were consistent and had no significant difference, but showed significant seasonal variation. Cumulative number of adults, nymphs, adults and nymphs per 100 plants in single cotton field was significantly higher than that in almond-cotton interplanting field. Damaged rates of 100 plant-bolls in single cotton field were also significantly higher than those in almond-cotton interplanting field. Population density and damaged rates in almond-cotton interplanting (east-west) field were all lower than those in almond-cotton interplanting (south-north) field, and population density of adults, nymphs, adults and nymphs had significant difference in 2015. The research showed that almond-cotton interplanting was adverse to occurrence and damage of L. pratensis compared to single cotton field.
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