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郭付振1, 高继华2, 张国云3*.微小昆虫透射电镜样品制备方法的改良[J].植物保护,2018,44(3):134-137.
Improvement of the tiny insect sample preparation method for transmission electron microscope
投稿时间:2017-08-21  修订日期:2017-09-25
中文关键词:  微小昆虫  样品制备  改良  透射电子显微镜
英文关键词:tiny insect  sample preparation  improvement  transmission electron microscope
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31402001); 大型仪器设备新功能开发项目(dysb130215)
郭付振1, 高继华2, 张国云3* 1. 西北农林科技大学植物保护学院, 植保资源与病虫害治理教育部重点开放实验室, 杨凌 712100
2. 河南省新郑市农业农村工作委员会, 新郑 451100
3. 旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室, 西北农林科技大学, 杨凌 712100 
摘要点击次数: 568
全文下载次数: 938
      为进一步提高微小昆虫不同器官(触角感器、口器感器、复眼及颜色较淡的部位如:肠道、腺体、唾液道、精子、卵母细胞等)透射电镜样品制备效率, 对微小昆虫不同器官的透射电镜样品制样方法进行了改良。建立了简易的“纸巾包裹法”和“琼脂包埋法”。这两种方法具有简单快速、操作方便、易于掌握的优点, 并解决了大量样品在漂洗过程中易被吸管吸走、或黏附在吸管壁上被带走等“损耗”的问题, 与常规制样方法相比, 既节约了大量操作时间, 也保证了样品的数量和质量,提高了微小昆虫生物样品制样的效率。
      This study was aimed to improve the sample preparation efficiency for different organs (antenna sensilla, mouthpart sensilla, compound eyes and light-colored parts such as intestine, gland, saliva, sperm, oocytes, etc.) of tiny insects for transmission electron microscopy. The simple “paper towel wrapping method” and “agar embedding method” were established, which has the advantages of simplicity and rapidness, are easy to operate and master, and helps solve the problems of losing a large number of samples during rinsing as the samples were prone to being sucked by the drip pipe or attached to the drip pipe wall or taken away. Compared with the conventional sample preparation method, it not only saves a lot of operation time, but also ensures the quantity and quality of the sample. The simple new method improves the efficiency of sample preparation for the biological samples of tiny insects.
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