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林玉英, 金 涛, 金启安, 温海波, 彭正强*.不同温度下褐带卷蛾茧蜂实验种群生命表[J].植物保护,2018,44(1):105-109.
Life table of the experimental population of Bracon adoxophyesi Minamikawa at different temperatures
投稿时间:2017-05-27  修订日期:2017-07-18
中文关键词:  褐带卷蛾茧蜂  实验种群  发育起点温度  有效积温  生命表
英文关键词:Bracon adoxophyesi  experimental population  developmental threshold temperature  effective accumulated temperature  life table
基金项目:中国热带农业科学院创新团队项目 (1630042017012, 1630042017013); 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(2017hzs1J012); 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC1201204); 国家科技支撑计划 (2015BAD08B03)
林玉英, 金 涛, 金启安, 温海波, 彭正强* 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所, 农业部热带农林有害生物入侵监测与控制重点实验室, 海口 571101 
摘要点击次数: 844
全文下载次数: 1230
      为了探索温度对褐带卷蛾茧蜂 Bracon adoxophyesi 发育和繁殖的影响, 研究了该蜂在6种温度下的实验种群生命表。结果表明, 褐带卷蛾茧蜂各虫态发育历期随温度升高而缩短, 在36℃下产卵前期略高于32℃下的产卵前期, 说明温度过高或者过低均不利于卵巢发育。随温度降低, 其世代历期显著延长, 说明低温会显著抑制该蜂发育。各虫态的发育速率与温度的关系符合Logistic模型。该寄生蜂产卵前期的发育起点温度高于其他阶段的发育起点温度。在24℃下单雌产卵量最高, 为619.86粒, 16℃和36℃下的产卵量最低, 分别为139.60粒和154.43粒。在24、28和32℃时, 其种群趋势指数分别为101.78、74.25和73.41, 在36℃和16℃时, 其种群趋势指数较低, 说明温度过高或者过低均不利于其种群繁殖, 且低温的影响大于高温。在24~32℃下, 褐带卷蛾茧蜂的种群趋势指数较高, 说明24~32℃是适宜该寄生蜂种群增长的温度范围。
      In order to explore the effects of temperature on the development and reproduction of Bracon adoxophyesi Minamikawa, the life table of the experimental population of the parasitoid at six different temperatures was studied. The results showed that the developmental duration decreased with increasing temperature, and pre-oviposition duration (0.47±0.03) d at 36℃ was slightly longer than that (0.43±0.06) d at 32℃, indicating that too high or too low temperatures could inhibit ovarian development. The generation time increased significantly with the decrease of temperature, indicating that low temperature significantly inhibited the development of the parasitoid. The relationship between the developmental rate of different developmental stages and temperature could be simulated by the Logistic model. The developmental threshold temperature of pre-oviposition duration was higher than those of other developmental stages. The average number of eggs laid per female at 24℃ was the most (619.86 eggs), and those at 16℃ and 36℃ were the least (139.60 and 154.43 eggs, respectively) . The population trend indexes at 24, 28, and 32℃ were 101.78, 74.25, and 73.41, respectively, and those at 36℃ and 16℃ were low, showing that too high or too low temperatures were not suitable for the population growth, and low temperatures had stronger effects than high temperatures. The population trend indexes at 24-32℃ were higher, indicating that 24-32℃ was the most suitable temperature range for population growth of this parasitoid.
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