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司天桃1,2, 张国强1, 薛 琳3, 杨德松1*.加工番茄叶霉病的防治药剂筛选及其品种抗性鉴定[J].植物保护,2017,43(5):225-228.
Screening of antifungal agents and identification of resistant variety against leaf mold of processed tomato
投稿时间:2016-11-01  修订日期:2017-01-09
中文关键词:  番茄叶霉病  毒力  盆栽防效  品种抗性
英文关键词:tomato leaf mold  toxicity  control effect of plot test  variety resistance
司天桃1,2, 张国强1, 薛 琳3, 杨德松1* 1. 石河子大学农学院, 新疆绿洲农业病虫害治理与植保资源利用自治区普通高校重点实验室, 石河子 832000
2. 新疆哈密地区农业技术推广中心, 哈密 839000
3. 新疆石河子蔬菜研究所, 石河子 832000 
摘要点击次数: 754
全文下载次数: 2605
      本研究针对加工番茄叶霉病菌进行了药剂室内毒力测定和盆栽防效试验,并对14份加工番茄品种抗叶霉病进行了评价,目的是筛选出对加工番茄叶霉病具有良好防效的药剂和抗病品种。结果表明:30%烯酰·咪鲜胺SC抑菌效果最好,其EC50为0.006 mg/mL。防效试验中,5种药剂均有一定的抑菌效果; 22.5%异菌脲SC、56.7%氢氧化铜WG、47%春雷王铜WP和30%烯酰·咪鲜胺SC对叶霉病的防效均在60%以上。供试的14份加工番茄品种中,没有发现高抗品种, 中抗品种4个, 感病品种8个, 高感品种2个。‘屯河9号’、‘石红666’、‘金红宝87-5’和‘737’为中抗品种,‘石红18’和‘石红45’为高感品种,其余为感病品种。
      The toxicities and control effects of 5 fungicides against processed tomato leaf mold were determined by pot test in laboratory, and the resistances of 14 processed tomato varieties against processed tomato leaf mold were evaluated through pot test to screen out the effective fungicides and resistant varieties against processed tomato leaf mold. The results showed that the 5 fungicides had certain antibacterial effect. The control efficacies of 22.5% iprodione SC, 56.7% copper hydroxide WG, 47% kasugamycin·copper oxychloride WP, and 30% dimethomorph·prochloraz SC were more than 60%, while the antifungal activity of 30% dimethomorph·prochloraz SC was the best (EC50=0.006 mg/mL). Among the 14 processed tomato varieties, there were no high resistant varieties, four medium resistant varieties, eight susceptible cultivars and two highly susceptible cultivars. ‘Tunhe 9’, ‘Shihong 666’, ‘Jinhongbao 87-5’and ‘737’were medium resistant,‘Shihong 18’ and ‘Shihong 45’were the highly susceptible, while others were susceptible.
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