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化丽丹1, 2, 蒋杰贤1, 季香云1*, 万年峰1, 张 浩1, 杨益众3.蓖麻提取液对甜菜夜蛾幼虫解毒酶活性的影响[J].植物保护,2017,43(4):81-84.
Effect of ricinine on the activities of detoxifying enzymes in Spodoptera exigua larvae
投稿时间:2016-11-29  修订日期:2017-02-21
中文关键词:  蓖麻碱  甜菜夜蛾  幼虫  解毒酶  抑制作用
英文关键词:ricinine  Spodoptera exigua  larvae  detoxifying enzymes  inhibition effect
基金项目:上海市科技兴农推广项目[沪农科推字(2016)第2-2-8号]; 上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目[沪农科攻字(2016)第3-4-2号]
化丽丹1, 2, 蒋杰贤1, 季香云1*, 万年峰1, 张 浩1, 杨益众3 1. 上海市农业科学院生态环境保护研究所, 上海 201403
2. 江苏省泰州出入境检 验检疫局, 泰州 225300
扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院, 扬州 225009 
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      为探讨植物提取液对甜菜夜蛾解毒酶系活性的影响效应, 采用浸渍法测定了不同浓度蓖麻碱 (3.80、1.90、0.95、0.48和0.24 g/L)对甜菜夜蛾幼虫碱性磷酸酯酶(AKP)、酸性磷酸酯酶(ACP)和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs)活性的影响。结果表明:与清水对照组相比, 不同浓度处理48 h和72 h对AKP的抑制作用均达到显著水平, 而3.80 g/L处理24 h即可显著抑制AKP活性; 与对照组相比, 不同浓度蓖麻碱处理72 h均会显著降低其ACP活性, 而浓度大于0.24 g/L时处理24 h和48 h即可显著降低 ACP活性; 蓖麻碱处理组GSTs活性在处理后24、48和72 h都显著低于对照组, 但不同浓度间无显著差异; 本研究揭示了蓖麻碱对这3种解毒酶均有较强的抑制作用, 且抑制作用随蓖麻碱浓度升高和作用时间延长而增强。
      To investigate the effect of plant extracts on the detoxifying enzymes of noctuid, we used the dipping method to determine the effects of the five different concentrations of ricinine (3.80、1.90、0.95、0.48 and 0.24 g/L) on alkaline phosphatase (AKP), acid phosphatase (ACP) and glutathione S transferase (GSTs). The results indicated that compared to the control group (fresh water treatment), the treatment of ricinine significantly inhibited the activities of AKP at 48 and 72 h after; while the treatment of 3.80 g/L of ricinine could inhibit the activity of AKP at 24 h post treatment. The activities of ACP were also significantly inhibited in all five ricinine treated groups at 72 h after treatment, while the treatments with concentrations higher than 0.24 g/L significantly inhibited the activity of ACP at 24 and 48 h after treatment. The activities of GSTs were all significantly inhibited in all treatments compared to that of the control, but no difference was found among treatments of different concentrations. These results indicated that ricinine had a strong inhibitory effect on the three enzymes tested and the inhibition were concentration and time dependent
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