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蔡文宸, 苏宏华, 陈 玲, 周 浩, 杨益众*.低浓度Bt杀虫蛋白连续刺激对甜菜夜蛾飞翔力的影响[J].植物保护,2017,43(4):66-69.
Effects of low concentration of Bt toxin on flight ability of Spodoptera exigua
投稿时间:2016-08-22  修订日期:2016-09-12
中文关键词:  Cry1Ac杀虫蛋白  甜菜夜蛾  飞翔力  响应
英文关键词:Cry1Ac toxin  Spodoptera exigua  flight ability  response
基金项目:转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2014ZX08012004, 2016ZX08012004-010)
蔡文宸, 苏宏华, 陈 玲, 周 浩, 杨益众* 扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院, 扬州 225009 
摘要点击次数: 750
全文下载次数: 942
      以人工饲料中添加低浓度的Cry1Ac杀虫蛋白(0、5、10、20 μg/g)饲养甜菜夜蛾5个世代, 探讨低浓度杀虫蛋白连续刺激对该虫处女蛾与产卵蛾飞行速度、飞行时间与飞行距离的影响。结果表明, 甜菜夜蛾对低浓度Bt毒素的响应经过了敏感期、逐步适应期到最终适应甚至反弹几个阶段:在F1代, 对照组的飞行距离显著长于最高浓度处理组。F2、F3代, 低浓度处理(5~10 μg/g)后的甜菜夜蛾飞行力开始增强, 高浓度杀虫蛋白处理组(20 μg/g)的飞行力仍低于对照, 不同处理在飞行时间与飞行距离上差异显著。在F4代, 处女蛾的飞行力开始回升, 特别是低浓度处理(5 μg/g)的飞行时间和飞行距离显著高于对照, 也显著或极显著高于其他2个浓度处理, 各处理在飞行时间和飞行距离上达到显著差异。到了F5代, 所有处理的飞行力均大于对照, 其飞行速度、飞行时间与飞行距离3个指标在各处理间均达到显著差异。研究同时发现, 无论是处女蛾, 还是产卵雌蛾, 对低浓度Cry1Ac 杀虫蛋白的响应基本一致。文章认为, 阐述毒蛋白对昆虫飞行的影响需要研究多个世代。
      The effects of low concentration of Bt toxin on flight speed, flight time and flight distance of virgin and egg laying adults were examined by adding Bt toxin to the artificial diets (0, 5, 10 and 20 μg/g) and feeding larvae with different diets for 5 generations. The results showed that, in F1 generation, the flight distance of adult in CK group was significantly longer than in 20 μg/g treatment; in the F2 and F3 generations, flight performance was enhanced after fed with low concentration of Bt toxin (5-10 μg/g), while high concentration of Bt toxin (20 μg/g) inhibited flight of adults. In addition, there were significant differences in flight time and flight distance among different treatments. In F4 generation, flight ability of virgin adult started to increase, especially for the treatment with low concentration of Bt toxin (5 μg/g), the flight time and flight distance were significantly higher than those of the control, and significantly and extremely significantly higher than those of the other two treatments. There were significant difference in flight time and flight distance among different treatments. In F5 generation, after Bt treatments flight ability were all stronger compared to the control, and there were significant differences in flight speed, flight time and flight distance among all treatments. In this research, virgin and egg laying females both had similar responses to low concentration of Bt toxin. The study indicates that exact influences of Bt toxin on insect flight should be investigated for multi generations
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