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白凯红#, 阿别小兵#, 陈 星, 蒋 娜, 李健强, 罗来鑫*.四川凉山苦荞种子携带细菌多样性[J].植物保护,2022,48(5):190-196.
Bacterial diversity of the tartary buckwheat seeds from Liangshan, Sichuan province
投稿时间:2021-08-30  修订日期:2021-10-29
中文关键词:  苦荞种子  细菌  分离鉴定  扩增子测序
英文关键词:tartary buckwheat seed  bacteria  isolation and identification  amplicon sequencing
白凯红#, 阿别小兵#, 陈 星, 蒋 娜, 李健强, 罗来鑫* 中国农业大学植物病理学系, 农业农村部有害生物监测与绿色管理重点实验室, 种子病害检验与防控北京市重点实验室, 北京 100193 luolaixin@cau.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 274
全文下载次数: 275
      苦荞Fagopyrum tataricum是四川省凉山彝族自治州主要的粮食作物之一, 作为近年来新兴的保健食品, 其种子携带的细菌种群鲜有报道?本研究从凉山州7个县的苦荞主产区共采集了46份苦荞种子样品, 通过分离培养法及基于16S rRNA基因的扩增子测序法, 对苦荞种子携带的主要细菌类群进行了研究?结果显示:分离培养法从46份样品中共获得618株细菌分离物, 隶属于10个属, 其中泛菌属Pantoea和短小杆菌属Curtobacterium分离频率最高, 分别为52.5%和20.7%, 是种子携带的优势菌群?扩增子测序法从13份样品中共获得279个属的细菌, 其中泛菌属为优势菌群?通过样本层级聚类分析, 发现来自冕宁县的苦荞种子样品MNCQ-4携带的细菌丰富度与多样性最大, 而来自昭觉县的样品ZJ-5最小?研究结果表明, 同一个地区的不同样品, 菌群多样性也存在差异?本研究丰富了荞麦种带细菌的研究, 为种子处理?病害防治提供了依据?
      The tartary buckwheat, Fagopyrum tataricum, is one of the staple food crops in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Sichuan province. As a new healthy food in recent years, there have been few reports on the bacterial population carried by tartary buckwheat seeds. Here, 46 tartary buckwheat seed samples were collected from the main tartary buckwheat producing areas in seven counties of Liangshan prefecture. The main bacterial populations carried by tartary buckwheat seeds were studied by agar plating and using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing method. The results showed that a total of 618 bacterial isolates belonging to 10 genera were obtained from 46 seeds samples by agar plating. Among them, Pantoea and Curtobacterium had the highest isolation frequency (52.5% and 20.7%, respectively), which were the dominant microflora carried by seeds. A total of 279 genera were identified from the 13 tested seed samples by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing method, and the dominant genus was Pantoea. Through sample hierarchy clustering analysis, it was found that MNCQ-4 from Mianning county had the highest community richness and diversity, while ZJ-5 from Zhaojue county had the lowest community richness and diversity. Moreover, the results showed that samples from the same area had different bacterial diversities. This study could enrich our understanding of buckwheat diseases and provide a reference for seed treatment and disease control.
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