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毛海燕1, 2, 王宇泽1, 2, 汪金源3, 王 津1, 2, 廖平强1, 2, 陈国奇1, 2*.精噁唑禾草灵、甲基二磺隆、扑草净处理后日本看麦娘残存植株的生长和结实能力[J].植物保护,2022,48(1):305-311.
Growth and fertility of Alopecurus japonicus plants survived from fenoxaprop P-ethyl, mesosulfuron methyl and prometryn
投稿时间:2020-10-10  修订日期:2020-12-04
中文关键词:  日本看麦娘  除草剂抗药性  生物量  种子产量
英文关键词:Alopecurus japonicus  herbicide resistance  biomass  seed production
毛海燕1, 2, 王宇泽1, 2, 汪金源3, 王 津1, 2, 廖平强1, 2, 陈国奇1, 2* 1. 江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室, 江苏省作物栽培生理重点实验室, 扬州大学农学院水稻产业工程技术研究院, 扬州 225009
2. 江苏省粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心, 扬州大学, 扬州 225009
3. 南京善思生态科技有限公司, 南京 210039 
摘要点击次数: 270
全文下载次数: 317
      以采自江苏省扬州市小麦田的3个日本看麦娘种群(AJ191、AJ193、AJ195)为例, 研究了供试种群对精噁唑禾草灵、甲基二磺隆、扑草净3种不同作用机理的代表性麦田除草剂的敏感性及药剂处理后残存植株的生长和结实能力。结果表明, 在推荐剂量处理下, 精噁唑禾草灵对3个种群的控制效果均不理想, 扑草净对3个种群均有高活性, 甲基二磺隆对AJ191和AJ193具有高活性。与AJ191相比, AJ193对精噁唑禾草灵表现出中抗性;AJ195对精噁唑禾草灵具有高抗性, 对甲基二磺隆具有中抗性, 对扑草净具有低抗性。AJ191种群经精噁唑禾草灵103.5 g/hm2(有效成分用量, 下同)处理后残存植株继续单株盆栽至播种后180 d, 地上部分干重、结实分蘖数和种子总产量与不用除草剂处理对照组相比, 分别显著下降43.1%、42.6%和44.4%(P < 0.05)。AJ193和AJ195种群经精噁唑禾草灵103.5 g/hm2及扑草净375 g/hm2处理后以及AJ195种群经甲基二磺隆15.75 g/hm2处理后的残存植株继续培养至播种后180 d, 地上部分干重、结实分蘖数、种子总产量均与未经除草剂处理无显著差异。上述结果表明, 3种麦田除草剂处理后日本看麦娘种群残存植株均表现出较强的生长和结实能力;扑草净对日本看麦娘具有高活性, 可用于抗精噁唑禾草灵或甲基二磺隆日本看麦娘种群的治理。
      Taking three Alopecurus japonicus populations (AJ191, AJ193 and AJ195) collected from wheat fields in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province as targets, sensitivity of these populations to fenoxaprop P-ethyl, mesosulfuron methyl and prometryn was investigated, and growth and fertility of A. japonicus plants survived from herbicide treatments were also determined. These three herbicides represent three different modes of action. The results indicated that treated with the recommended dose, fenoxaprop P-ethyl showed low efficacies on the three populations, prometryn showed high efficacies on the three populations and mesosulfuron methyl showed high efficacies on AJ191 and AJ193. Compared with AJ191, AJ193 showed moderate resistance to fenoxaprop P-ethyl, AJ195 showed high resistance to fenoxaprop P-ethyl, moderate resistance to mesosulfuron methyl and low resistance to prometryn. Compared with AJ191 plants without any herbicide treatment, AJ191 plants survived from fenoxaprop P-ethyl 103.5 g/hm2 (active ingredient, the same below) treatments showed significant (P <0.05) decreases in the dry weight of aboveground parts, number of reproductive tillers per plant and number of total seeds per plant 180 d after sowing, by 43.1%, 42.6% and 44.4%, respectively. Nevertheless, compared with plants from the same population without any herbicide treatment, AJ193 and AJ195 surviving plants after treated with fenoxaprop P-ethyl at 103.5 g/hm2 or prometryn at 375 g/hm2, and AJ195 surviving plants after treated with mesosulfuron methyl at 15.75 g/hm2, showed no significant difference in the dry weight of aboveground parts, number of reproductive tillers per plant and number of total seeds per plant 180 d after sowing. In conclusion, after treated with the three representative wheat herbicides, all of the three A. japonicus populations showed high abilities on growth and reproduction. Prometryn showed high efficacies on A. japonicus, which could be used to manage A. japonicus populations with resistance to fenoxaprop P-ethyl or mesosulfuron methyl.
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