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陈健鑫1, 张宏雁1, 魏玉倩1, 洪英娣1, 马焕成2, 伍建榕1, 2*.滇朴丛芽病植原体的分子鉴定[J].植物保护,2021,47(2):70-77.
Molecular identification of Celtis kunmingensis plexus bud phytoplasma
投稿时间:2019-12-22  修订日期:2020-02-21
中文关键词:  滇朴丛芽病  植原体  扫描电镜(SEM)  PCR  系统发育树
英文关键词:Celtis kunmingensis plexus bud  phytoplasma  scanning electron microscopy (SEM)  PCR  phylogenetic tree
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31260175, 31360198, 31860208); 云南省高校基础研究产业化项目(2016CYH14); 西南林业大学木棉纤维人工林产业化培育省级创新团队项目(2018HC014); 云南省“云岭教学名师”培育项目
陈健鑫1, 张宏雁1, 魏玉倩1, 洪英娣1, 马焕成2, 伍建榕1, 2* 1. 云南省高校森林灾害预警控制重点实验室, 西南林业大学生物多样性保护学院, 昆明650224
2. 西南地区生物多样性保育国家林业局重点实验室, 西南林业大学林学院, 昆明650224 
摘要点击次数: 392
全文下载次数: 321
      滇朴Celtis kunmingensis Cheng et Hong是云南的乡土树种, 适宜全国大部分地区种植, 极具观赏价值, 是近年来最热门的绿化首选树种―绿化行道树, 云南部分地区滇朴近年常表现丛芽的症状。本研究采用形态学与分子生物学结合的方法, 对染病的幼嫩枝条进行扫描电镜(SEM)观察; 利用16S rDNA植原体通用引物P1/P7和R16F2/R16R2进行常规PCR和巢式PCR, 分别获得1.8 kb和1.2 kb的特异性基因片段, 将该特异性片段与其他已知分类地位的植原体16S rDNA片段进行同源性比对分析, 同时利用邻接法(NJ)构建系统发育树。结果表明在染病的滇朴韧皮部组织中可见植原体存在, 滇朴丛芽病植原体与芝麻叶状植原体同源性高达99.40%, 通过系统发育树可进一步推测滇朴丛芽病植原体是属于16Sr Ⅰ-B亚组成员, 本研究结果为该病害的诊断与防治提供了理论依据。
      Celtis kunmingensis, a native tree species in Yunnan province, suitable for planting in most parts of China, and it has great ornamental value. In recent years, it is the most popular greening preferred tree species, named as the greening street tree. The diseases of plexus bud of C.kunmingensis was found in some parts of Yunnan province. In this study, morphological and molecular biological methods were used to observe the infected tender branch tissue under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). By direct PCR and nested PCR with 16S rDNA phytoplasma primers P1/P7 and R16F2/R16R2, the specific gene fragments of 1.8 kb and 1.2 kb were obtained, respectively. The 16S rDNA fragment of phytoplasma was compared with other phytoplasmas with known taxonomic status, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed based on Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method at the same time. The results showed that phytoplasmas were found in the phloem tissues of susceptible C.kunmingensis. The homology of C.kunmingensis plexus bud phytoplasma and sesame phyllody phytoplasma was as high as 99.40%. Through phylogenetic tree, we can further infer that phytoplasma is a 16SrⅠ-B subgroup member, which provides theoretical basis for the diagnosis and control of the disease.
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